Slenders rules, and how many times ive broken them

71 3 84

Frankly, I'll be excluding rules that aren't enforced like "no swearing", he asks you not to, doesn't care if you do

1: No eating on the couch:
Times broken? 15
Punishment? Clean the Living room

2: No in fighting with other proxy's (Prevoker)
Times broken? 5
Punishment? Disembodiment

3 no escaping:
Times broken: 31
Punishment: broken bones

4: No attacking Lazari
Times broken: 9
Punishment: None if he doesn't catch me ;)

5: no bothering me with "Pointless nonsense"
Times broken? 24
Punishment?: Being dropped in a random part of the forest and having to find your way back

6: no taking more then you need for and meal
Times broken? 4
Punishment? Teeth and tongue removed

7: No attempting to start a revolution against Slender
Times broken? 8
Punishment?Eyes gouged out

8: No (insert whatever the f-k they claim) The main 4 proxy's (Hoodie, Toby, Kate, Masky)
Times broken? 56
Punishment? Left for the Proxy you bothered to decide

9: no leaving the forest
Times broken? 8
Punishment? Destruction of wherever you went

10: no contacting Zaglo
Times broken? 2
Punishment? The Room

11: No attempting to regain your sanity
Times broken? 20
Punishment: Hallucinations

12: No attempting to research ways to Defeat Slender
Times broken? 6
Punishment? Tied up for 3 days

13: No taking medication related to your mental health
Times broken? 2
Punishment? No food for 6 days

Frankly, I've already been here for only a month and already have this record

I'm planning on fighting Slender to my last breath

I'm not his toy, I'm my own person, no matter what Kate tried to do (that bitch)

I may be his "Proxy" but I'm not under his influence, I'm locked In his mansion but I'll find my way out, somehow

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