D part 1

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*Disclaimer: before reading, please be aware that the following story is based on the world of Supernatural. Many things about the story should be accurate to the TV show, but some things have been slightly altered or removed or added (hopefully in the same tone and in general congruence with the show). This story takes place around the time of season 13, after the Darkness, but in this version, Mary never comes back and they never encounter the British men of letters. Also, in this version, the angels got their wings back and are engaged in some sort of vague (and unimportant [sorry, Cas!] conflict). In this version, there have been other prophets after Donatello.

If you are a die-hard SPN fan, please don't be mad at me!!! (it's very hard to find the voices of the Sam and Dean characters, so hopefully the tone is close enough to the show, but I'm not a SPN writer, so I did the best I could, but it's not perfect)

BEWARE: adult content!!!! Trigger warning: talking about sensitive topics such as sexual assault and suicide.

The dog is a big pit-bull named Lottie.

Also: much of the story is autobiographical or personal related to the author, but much is not. Some things may be surprising or make you slightly uncomfortable. Just beware.

A little self-disclosure: much of this story "came to" the author during a manic episode, and so I take very little credit, and some of the story is weird 😊 If you're interested in my process, let me know and I can talk about it forever 😊

This story is not written in typical narrative style, like a novel. It is written more like a screenplay, so it is open to fill in with your own imagination. If any part is confusing, feel free to clarify with the author, but mostly just feel free to picture in your own mind whatever feels right to you.

Key: [brackets] = action, physical direction; (parenthesis) = emotions that the other person is reading; {whatever this thing is called} = tone of voice

Terms and conditions: Before continuing, please agree to the following terms and conditions:

1) When reading, you can make all the personal judgments about the author that you want, just don't tell her.

2) When reading, imagine the heroin however you want, there is no physical description of her, except that she has long curly hair and green eyes.

3) Feel free to ask questions of the author, but she may decline to explain or elaborate.

Hopefully you enjoy 😊


B: [sleeping in her bed, starts to stir in her sleep, then jerks awake with a gasp and presses her hand against her chest] {breathlessly} "Holy shit!" [takes a deep breath, looks at Lottie]

L: who was sleeping at the end of the bed and is now looking at B nervously

B: [smiles at L and pets her head and back] "It's okay, baby girl. Mommy just had a really freaky dream. Like, really freaky. Like weird....but it's okay, let's go back to sleep..... I have so many clients tomorrow...." [lays her head back down on her pillow and closes her eyes, swallowing hard]


S and D are sitting at the table in the main room of the bunker, talking about a case and doing research

C: "Hello, Dean–"

D: [jumps and reaches for his gun behind his back]

S: [jumps and starts to stand]

C: "--Hello, Sam."

D: (frustrated and relieved) [stops reaching for his gun and hits his hand on the table] "Damn it, Cas! You can't just do that to people!"

D part 1 (SPN fanfic, lots of chick flick moments, I suck at writing action)Where stories live. Discover now