The Last Night

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Author's note: So hey guys! This is my first fanfic I'm writing so don't get mad at me if it gets very awful. It'll have some bad and rude phrases and dialogues and swears and some love scenes but hey people come on! It's a love story! You can't expect it to be very cliche and no kisses happen. If you don't like these things, I suggest you to not read this in the first place.

So, here we go! :D

"Ro...Robert?" I said as I walked into the house. It was so romantic, filled by rose petals and lit by small candles. It soothed my mind a bit that nothing bad has happened. I walked a bit more but then my heart skipped a bit for a moment because someone had lifted me up and was spinning me around. I was screaming at the top of my lungs and when I was out of breathe, I heard a familiar sound. "Hey beauty!" Robert said, putting me gently on the ground. "ROBERT! You freak! You scared the hell out of me!" I said, a bit harshly but he was laughing really hard I thought he's going to faint. "So, planning on anything special tonight?" I said. "No, just want to spend some quality time with my princess." He said. I loved it when he called me princess. Robert was wearing a black V-neck and tight jeans, looking so classy. "What's with the Pink Panther theme?" He asked looking at my pink sweater and my pink top and trousers. "What's with the super hot theme?" Now I asked him the same question, looking at his deep greyish-blue eyes. "It's not a theme. I'ts by default." He said as he was hugging me really tight. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Robert?" I said, so muffled. "Yeah?" Robert said, kissing my hair. "Do you really have to go?" I said as tears were forming in my eyes. "Audrey we've been over this before, it's my job and my responsibility for my team. It's the Champions League we are talking about I must be there for my team!"

"Can't you stay here for me?" I said, my voice was shaking in sadness. "I want to, truly I do but...It's..."

"...Never mind. I'll try to handle it, for 8 months..." My voice trailed off and we stood silent for a minute, not knowing what to say. "But if it means so important to you I could talk to the couch and think of somethi..."

,"No. Don't bother yourself. you're leaving tomorrow. I would come too if your couch and manager had let me. But they say us wives are nothing more than a distraction." I said. Robert threw his head down. "I'm so sorry Audrey." He said. I smiled and lifted his chin up making him look at me. "So promise me we will stay in touch?" I said. "Of course we'll be! You're my fiancé for God's sake! We'll get married in a few months!" He said really happily and with joy. The image of our wedding was running in my mind: Me, walking down the aisle to my handsome Robert. He'll probably wear a black suit and tie. I was about to take his hand but my daydreaming was stopped by his kiss.

I used to dream of my marriage when I was a teen but now, I had it for real. His soft, sweet lips brushing against mine and his hot breath was burning my skin. His hand went to the either sides of my cheeks to my waist and made the kiss deeper. I cupped his jawline and brought my hand to the back of his head, tugging on his hair, making him release a small moan.

"I love you Audrey." He said, breaking the kiss.

"I don't think so."

"You think so?"

"I don't think so. I KNOW so."

We laughed a bit and then he pulled my hand and ran to the kitchen and left me there.

"Where are you going?" "Stay there don't come here!" He said and then I could hear some loud "OUCH" es and clattering and smashing and coughing. "Can I come?" I said so curious. "NO!" He shouted and after a few minutes, he came out of the kitchen, his white skin was now black and his eyes were red. "What happened?" I said, looking at him in worry. "Nothing, my dinner burnt." He said so sadly.

"You had made dinner? What? How?" I said. "I knew you always liked stuffed turkey but I couldn't make it. I tried so hard and just begged God that you would get stuck in a traffic jam or something on your way back from your archery but it burnt." He said. "That's why you told me you couldn't pick me up from my training class?" I asked and he nodded. "Thank you Robert, I really appreciate the trouble you have put yourself in for me but you don't need to do things you can't do. I know you wanted to make me happy but I am happy with you and just you, not stuffed chicken." I said. "Stuffed turkey." he corrected. "Whatever." I said and hold his hand but he screamed and took his hand back. "What was that for?" I asked. "Nothing...nothing..." He said, holding his hand back. "Robert, let me see your hand." I ordered. "No." He said. "NOW!" I yelled and he showed me his blisters on his hand. "OH MY GOD! You shouldn't have done that! You've burnt yourself you numskull!" I screamed.

"Hey! Hey! Relax! Nothing serious." He said. "Look what you've done..." I said looking at his hand. I bandaged it and made an omelet, because we had nothing else to eat.

We sat on the sofa, talking about the wonderful moments we've had together, the first time we met, and our selfies. I was lying my head on his. I could realize that he was talking to me, but I could no longer hear. Soon, my eye got warm and my eyelids closed...     

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