i know we said no presents this year, but... | holiday imagine

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summary: you and steve have been best friends for years, and you both are absolutely in love with each other

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summary: you and steve have been best friends for years, and you both are absolutely in love with each other. steve realizes he hasn't done a good job at showing you how much you mean to him, and he wants to change that. 

warnings: language, make out sesh, not proof read entirely... i kinda love this imagine, kinda hate it so i hope you guys like it hahah


"That ornament doesn't go there!" You shouted at Steve, your best friend, who was currently putting all of the ornaments in the wrong places on your Christmas tree.

"You have said that about every single one I've put on Y/N!" Steve shouted back. "You just do them."

"But I can't reach the high ones." You pouted, smirking. Steve rolled his eyes, continuing to follow your directions as to where to put each ornament.

You and Steve have been best friends since you were kids. You have always been inseparable, especially after fighting monsters and almost dying together multiple times. Christmas was always your favorite time of year. No matter what, you and Steve always did holiday things together; decorate the tree, make snowmen, and try a new activity... well when he wanted to. Even when Steve had a girlfriend for the holiday, he still made time for you in some way.

This year, lucky for you, he didn't have a girl waiting for him. He claimed he was single as a Pringle and done with girls, which made you laugh. Steve being available didn't help your huge, never-ending, crush on him. You tried so hard to move on, date other guys, but no one was Steve. He was perfect for you, and you just wished he saw that.

"Done! Finally!" Steve exclaimed and you announced all of the ornaments were on the tree. You smiled, holding up the star, which made Steve sigh.

"Lift me up so I can put the star on the tree." You told him, walking over to him.

Steve picked you up with ease, sitting you on his shoulder as you put the star on top of the beautiful tree. He grabbed your waist, pulling you back down, both of your chests touching, sending chills down your body at the proximity.

"Thanks." You whispered.

"Of course," Steve responded quietly, staring into your eyes. Realizing this, he quickly broke away, looking at the ground. "So, what's our new activity to try this year?" He asked.

"Ice skating!" You said with glee.

"Ice skating?" Steve questioned. "Do you seriously trust me with knives on my feet?"

"Steve, you promised you would take me one day. What better than for the holiday season? Plus, it's next to that beautiful jeweler I love."

"I do not remember agreeing to that," Steve said. "And the one with the snowflake necklace?"

"If you can take Tracy Young, you can take me, asshole." You told him. "Maybe." You added.

"First of all, you have no proof of that. Second, if I did happen to go with Tracy, I may have ended up falling on my ass and getting a huge bruise. Not happening." Steve protested.

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