maybe our last talk

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no ones pov.

As Aether sleeps Xiao gets up slowly making sure Aether doesnt wake up, Xiao gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom to get prepared for the start of the day he left the bathroom as he finished, opened the door but before he could leave the room he looked at Aether as he sighs a bit

'idk which side to pick now, Aether...your side or the safety of my peoples side..' -X

Xiao sighs again as he leaves and closes the door and goes to work

-time skip-

As Xiao finishes the battle, a mysterious woman with long black hair that makes it to the floor, touching it, with dark blue eyes as her skin is white as paper but not to much as paper, it was darker that paper; there was a sky blue ribbon up in the middle of her hair, her clothes look like inazuma clothes style(Raidens outfit x Yae's outfit(no fabric following behind tho)), blue and white

the woman put a finger up to her lips that were with a tint of red on them; she does a 'shh..' sigh and then a 'follow me' as she starts running towards the city of Liyue or so he thought, she was going up top the mountain that is just beside Liyue

??? pov

'good thing he is following, to be honest im just doing whats right to keep this world in peace and on the same line, but even so...there is nothing i can do now to seperate those two so this might aswell be a alternative path of the original one, i shall have fun aswell then'

i look behind to see the boy behind me as i stop at the end of the high cliff as i look down at the far away view of the ground and Liyue right there almost below us

no one pov

as Blue takes a few steps back to start the flight Xiao quickly lets out a hand as a sign to stop

"wait..dont jump" -X

the woman laughs a bit

"don't wont hurt" -B

she falls backwards until she dissapears from view going down to Liyue and the trees as Xiao rushes to the tip of the cliff looking down to search for the woman until he see's something he never expected

he backs up a bit as a flying figure goes up with a rush of wind blows

he opens his eyes to see the woman flapping her huge white wings as they shine by the moon light and a tint of white glitter raining out of the wings

"come now, Alatus..shall we go for a nice flight?" -B

" do you know my name?" -X

"i know everything and everyone from this beautiful but dark world" -B

"I.." -X

Xiao stayed silent as he looks at her then looks down in deep thoughts

"dont you miss being on with the sky, Alatus?.." -B

He shots his face up to the woman before him with his eyes widen in shock

"cmon now, we dont wanna ruin this night waiting here" -B

she says as she starts going away from him but then looks back waiting

as Xiao looks down worried a bit he backs up then runs and jumps as he prepares his huge golden wings come out and he opens them and quickly goes up to the level where Blue was as blue has a bit of a shock and admaration face at his wings

'oh wow..they are bigger than mines-' -B

"well then, follow me!" -B
Blue gluides down as she starts flapping her wings more as she starts going fast with Xiao racing beside her

" about this stay here and watch then copy what i did" -B

"um ok?.." -X

Xiao stays there in the air as Blue slowly falls backwards as her head goes first to the city, people gasp and point at her as she looks at the floor and opens her wings as people widen in shock as gasp and conversations go silent as she flies around Liyue as the white glitter that rains from her wings fall in Liyue as she passes by where Zhongli is as Zhongli looks a bit in shock then Blue goes at the door of Liyue and goes up to the sky again then looks at Xiao and nobs

Xiao looks at her worried but then does the same thing as she did, the only thing is he saw Qiqi looking at him with her eyes sparkling then Xiao does a sign of her putting her hands up as she does and xiao drops his and going to Qiqi and grabs both of her hands taking her with him

"high..up..." -Q

"dw Qiqi, just stay close and grab on..if you fall i will catch you" -X

"Ah..ok Brother Xiao.." -Q

he does a few twirls throwing Qiqi up into the air as she giggles and he does the same as Blue did, Zhongli seeing him getting more in shock as Xiao passes by dropping Qiqi off carefully in the ground going to the door of Liyue and going up to Blue just as she grabs his hands

"what a nice flight now a little fight so your people wont come up with anything.." -B

they smile as they summon their scythe making Xiao quickly go away nobbing taking out his polarm as they start charging at each other

____20 minutes later___

They both have a few scars as Liyue can be heard chearing for Xiao until in the corner of Xiao's eyes Aether was away from Liyue sitting in a rock admiring the fight rotting for Xiao a bit

"your attacks and defensives are good★" -B

"thank you ig..?" -X

they make their scythe disappear

"well i will disappear like if you killed me so pretty much stab me-" -B

"huh!?.." -X

"you know im not human Alatus, now go on i wil just disappear but i am very much alive" -B

"i dont trust it much..but alright" -X

Xiao sighs a but but then slashes Blue as she dusts away then he glides down away from Liyue's cheers

as he finally lands just to get gifted by Aethers kiss on the cheek

Xiao's pov

as i land Aether kisses me on the cheek

"their is my lovely fighter~<3" -A

".." -X

I turn a bit red hearing Aether call me that until i remember that he said last night

"A-Aether im sorry but..i dont have much of a choice but to choice my City.." -X

"..huh?" -A


i tried my best-
word count : 1128

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