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live laugh love Venti<3


no ones pov.

it was still a cold but warm night, the yaksha and the abyss prince were still in bed

the blonde sleeping as he is cuddleling into the yaksha, his head on his chest sleeping peacefully as the other one i facing to the roof in deep thoughts
hes still in deep thoughts of who to choose still in the decision

'...' -X

'Aether...please...forgive me when its our time to fight..' -X

a sigh escapes from the yaksha as he closes his eyes going to sleep
as months go on, Aether continues his plans as Xiao takes a break and usually stays in Wangshu inn, in his room

"Xiaoo~!" -A

Aether enters the room only to find nothing, a clean bed, Xiao's mask ontop of the bed with a note as it says 'i gone to do something ill be back'

As Aether reads the note he hums a bit...he wanted to tell him that.....
it has started
Xiao felt and knew it has started, thats why he left, he didnt want to face Aether rn so he left to join the fight

"prince.." -H

"hm?" -A

"we are ready.." -H

"ah..perfect..perfect indeed"  -A

Aethers lets put a sinister laugh as he and the herald go to where the army is, Aether starts the countdown until he says 3 the army starts rushing into attacking
as war starts Aether joins the battle in liyue as hes about to land an attack to someone a sudden polarm blocks the attack

"...huh?.." -A

"..i-im sorry Aether" -X

"u..why?" -A

Aether voice sounded mad but sad as Xiao sounded as he had no choice and sad

"i cant..break my contract..." -X

"...." -A


i didnt have much ideas but this-
plus i had to cut it a bit short cuz i want all the drama in one chapter  ^3^
ty for readinggg★
i love yall-
goodbyeee, until the next chapter
word count: 339

first chance and choice[xiaoaether]Where stories live. Discover now