chapter three

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I'm sorry for the long wait this week I had a lot of school work and had no time to write this chapter, but here's I hope you like it. <3 






             Lina POV*

After eating with my grandparents they left and we were back to normal. My sister and me when to are rooms. Is a bit weird that she didn't have her phone, maybe she is fighting again with Nicolas. Nicolas is my sister boyfriend he is a verry cute sweet guy with his brown gold hair tan skin made him look like a surfer boy well he is one but he is a prince so he din't have time to surf at all. I took a shower  and pud my pj and whent to my bed grab my ipod . I was listening to Taylor Swift when my sister entre my room "Are you awake"i anser"yes  i was listening muisc on my ipod".

She smile and said "You saw that good looking guy in the court?" i look at her "Yes, why do you ask?" she giggeld "He is your type" i give her a serious look "Don't joke with that please" she give me a hug and smile. She said "You know even though we can't be in love with the guardians, we don't get to choose or controle love." She was saying the truth but i have to say something in return. And i said " I know but sometimes you have to learn how to control it because in the end you might get hurt." my sis put a sad face "Oh sis in life sometimes you have to get hurt , so you cant be more strong that you're now." Didn't know what to say because deep down i know is true what Aline is saying. She look at me and said " If you never tried you never know, and i'm not saying that you have to fall for the guardian , you can fall in love with anyone but you have to look for that person. Sis i know that my example is not the right one but Nicolas and I love each other." I look at her and said  "You know sis maybe i will tried to fall for someone and let see what happens." She put a bright smile and give me a kiss on the cheek "My work here is done, so goodbye and sweet dreams sis" i give her a big hug "Same for you sis, but before you go call Nicolas he send me a text saying that he don't want to fight anymore with you, so you better call him." She roll her eyes and giggeld "Ok sis i will call him, but please stop being on his side you're my sis." I looked at her and laugh "I'm not on his side is that i want to see you happy" she looked at me with a have smile and said "Good night Lina.", And then she closed the door and i fall asleep.

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