Chapter Four

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                                                                           James POV*

   Have you ever wonder what life could have been if you were another person. Don't get me wrong, i love my family but sometimes when it all depends on you suck.Here i'm on the court of King John hoping he will choose me to be one of the new guardians.I'm here for two reason only: one i want to get this job to be far away from my family & second is that i want a new life and i hope to start here.I want to leave my family behind because i don't want to get married with someone who I never met in my life.My mom help me get here and the only reason that she will let me alone is if i get this job. She knos how i feel about the marriage thing and help me get away from the other side of the world. I know that all of this sound weird but i don't want to be a king not right now with a girl i don't know how she is. If i get this job it will be my cover so my father wouldn't look for me. So here i'm in a place i really don't know and alone missing my family all ready but it will worth it. My real name is James Aaron but in here my name will be James Norwood my mom didn't want to change my first name cause she was the one who name me so she only changed my last name. I been training for this job like six months now, so I can be in shape for the job. This job requires a lot for physical and mental strength and I know that because my best friend is a guardian in my kingdom. He was my trainer back in my country and now he is my buddy in this new adventure. His name is Dylan Jones but he changed his name to Jasper Norwood so we can pass as brothers. I don't know why he came with me but i'm glad he did I don't know what I would do without him.

Here i'm standing under a tree waiting for my audition time.This place is beautiful i can get used to be in here.It's a sunny day but not so hot,  the birds are singing ,and flowers all over the place it makes me miss my home. Dylan is supposed to be here but i don't know where he is, if he doesn't appear in the next five minutes im going to text him. I'm so nervous I think i'm going to die. I have to stop thinking about that, I don't want to screw this up. Suddenly two girls came out of nowhere, one wearing a red dress and the other one was wearing a wine-colored dress.They were twins cause they look alike the only thing that make the difference is the hair and that one with the red dress has a little tan. But the one that caught my eye was the one with the wine-colored dress. She was beautiful with her long light brown red tips hair and that dress fits her skin tone make her look like a porcelain doll. I have never seen such a beautiful girl like that, but I have no time to fall for a girl, I have to get this job so I can be free from my dad. So I look away from the girls and text Dylan cause he still not here.

Text to Dylan: Dude where the hell are you?

Reply form Dylan: Man I just got here! don't be such a bitch.

Text to Dylan: I would be a bitch if you were here an hour ago!

Reply from Dylan: Sorry man i got lost. This place is fuking huge!!

Text to Dylan: It's ok dude, just get here I'm in the court.

Reply from Dylan: Ok man I'll be there in a sec.

It was about time he got here I  was about to die and he will have never known. Dylan is tall like me we seem a little alike but he is more tan than me and his hair is brown. Thats why In here he is my twin brother but if you look closer you'll see the differences. Dylan walks towards me "Bro finally found you," he said. We make our secret handshake "Dude I was about to think you let me alone in here" I said. He laughed "You know that will never happen bro" I looked at him "It's almost time". His face was seriously now "You have nothing to worry about , everything will be alright if you do what I taught you". I don't know what I was worried about I had been training for six months "Yeah thanks bro, you're the best".  Three minutes later a tall guy came towards us and said "Who is James Norwood?". I looked at the guy and said "I'm James Norwood" he was like 33 years old or it looks that way "Then come this way is time for your audition". Well it was time I looked at Dylan and said "Wish me luck bro, see you later" he looked at me "Ok bro you will do fine". With that, the guy said to me "Are you ready for this?" and I said "I've been ready for all my life" he laughs "then come, the king John doesn't like to wait".









This is for today guys!!! hope you like it comment & like 

With love Ytselle 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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