History Is A Proof

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Amy started looking through blue prints. Time flows differently in space. 1 hour is equivalent to 10 hours in space. She started going through all the blue prints about cars. She firstly started with basic blue prints pasted on the walls of the room. She carefully studied them. Amy was surprised to find that once she gets the hang of basics about each blue print she is able to understand how to modify the car. With an increasing difficulty level, the time she took to understand the blue prints increased.

In space she won't feel tired and her brain is refreshed so she can go on studying for a long period of time. But she took 5 to 10 minute breaks to improve efficiency. After around 40 hours she was finally able to grasp how she can basically modify a car. It was not just simple modifications where we add one or two features in the car but something where she can increase the space of the car and build rooms in it. Basically a convenient walking or running house you can say.

But to make this, they will have to gather a lot of supplies. Like raw materials of cars. As for tools to build the modified car, Amy has them in her space. Once she brings raw materials she can get access to those tools.

After she was done with studying about cars. She went out in an open field. She decided to plant those seeds that she had bought. With just mental instructions Amy sowed the seeds and watered it quickly. She planted many types of seeds for example grains, vegetables, flowers, fruits, some different types of rare herbs etc.

After she was done planting seeds, she was mentally exhausted. So she went near spring water and drank a mouthful of water. It was sweet and refreshing. Her spring water strengthens bone marrow and improves physical health. Then she went near the warehouse and took out some cooked dishes and went inside the house to eat them. She decided to sleep in space for sometime.

The next day Amy woke up due to commotion outside. It was still dark outside maybe time was around 4 to 5 clock.

"Amy, get up quickly" said Liam with tone of urgency.

Amy quickly got up. "What is it brother?? Why there is such a commotion outside" asked Amy in bit sleepy tone.

"Some of the people seem to have gain abilities so they formed a group and now they are robbing supplies from everyone. We must quickly get out of here instead of wasting energy in fighting with them." Said liam.

Amy sobered up quickly and nodded. She took her army bag and headed out with her group. Just as they walk few steps there path was blocked by 6 sturdy looking man. One of them was the same person who came to ask them to form a team.

"Stop!! Quickly hand over your supplies to us, or be ready to face consequences" said one of the sturdy looking man.

Ethan who was leading the team looked at the group of people coldly but didn't bother to respond.

The group of men were irritate because of ethan. Especially the man from last time. He came forward "Yesterday I asked you politely to form team with me but you refused. Now trying to show attitude?? Hah! If I want I can crush you down with my hands. You are nothing but ant in front of me now" said man with hint of provocation in his tone.

Amy looked at the man as if he was idiot. He was ordering god of wealth!!! Simply he has death wish. 'I bet he won't be able to walk out of this gas station now that provoked someone he shouldn't have' thought Amy as she saw temperature around Ethan dropping.

"Tut, idiot" mumbled Amy.

The man who was rumbling to Ethan just now heard Amy's voice but didn't hear what she said. But suddenly he got idea. "I can still let you guys go if you hand over that girl to me." Said man as he looked at Amy. He only has one moto i.e. to torture Amy to death because he wanted to show everyone that women's are meant to be trampled under the feets. There is no such thing as equality of gender if men's want they can kill a women or even let her live blissful life. It all depends on men alone.

Ace group eyes turned cold. Amy narrowed her eyes. She roughly understood what the guy must be thinking so she came forward and stood beside Ethan.

"Quickly, hand over her to me. If I am happy I may even let you go with your supplies. Now in this world where there are no laws, I will show to everyone that women's were never worthy to stand beside men. It was just the stupid illusion that society created for them and now I will show you how women's must be actually treated." Said man maniacally.

Suddenly the man who was speaking seem to have felt hell lot of pressure over him. He was barely able to breath. Ace group were condensing there aura in their hand to finish this group of people in one blow, but Amy shook her head.

Ace group other members were confused by Amy's reaction but they retracted there aura. No one noticed that Ace groups have abilities.

"If he dares to disrespect a women, then it will be the women who trample him" said Amy. Her voice was loud and clear for everyone to hear.

Some people who were watching the show sneered at her. Some people admired her courage but also felt pity for Amy. Of course Amy ignored everyone and looked at the man who was gasping the air because of the pressure from before.

Once he stabilized his breathing he simply laughed at Amy's words. "You, a weak woman, want to trample me?? Who do you think you are??" He laughed creeply

"Who I am?? I am a woman, a gender from who you were born. While you are just a nameless person who was recognised by a women like me as her son. Women's are not worthy?? Hah, then today this woman will show you how much you are worth off. If women can be gentle as spring then she can also be violent as sea." Said Amy coldly.

Some women who were present in the surroundings felt their blood boil with her words.

"Hah, what a big words??" Said man

"I like to speak with my fist more, wanna see?" Asked Amy as she dashed towards the man.

She kicked him in abdomen. The man was unprepared so the impact was powerful and he was send flying towards his group members who also fell down due to impact.

The man was momentarily shocked. He simply couldn't believe he was sent flying by little girl.

"Heh, trample women's?? History is proof that whenever there was a person who tried to belittle women, he was trampled by the women he looked down on." Said Amy. In her previous life she has seen many people trampling on the dignity of women. She was not powerful and definitely not a saint to fight with those people head on. But today when someone of same mentality came forward she couldn't help but burst out at him. It was the anger she accumulated. The justice she wanted. She can't make every women happy at the times of apocalypse but starting the change from her may lead to miracles.

The man who was kicked snapped out of his dazed. He felt humiliated because of being defeated by woman. He rushed towards Amy while condensing Black aura in his hand.

Amy sneered at him. She condensed Blue aura in her hand and hand fan appeared. She swiftly threw fan towards man. She didn't wanted to give him quick death. So she aimed at him at avoided vital parts.

The man who was rushing with Balck aura suddenly fell on his knees and due to forceful impact he vomitted blood and curled up on ground. Amy rushed towards him and picked him with her one hand threw him on ground harshly and continuously punched and kicked him.

"I am sorry, please forgive me. I was wrong. I know my mistake. Please, please I beg you let me go" the man shouted frantically. He was almost half dead. He understood he provoked someone he shouldn't have. The gender he most looked down on was also gender to make him suffer.

Everyone was stunned at the place. Even the members from a group of that man were stunned. Only Ace group had relaxed expression. Liam and shawn had proud smile on there faces and Ethan had beautiful smile playing on his lips.

"Forgive you?? Don't think too highly of yourself. I respect men but not the scums like you. So don't even think I will be polite towards you." Said Amy as she kicked the man harshly that he fainted.

His group members came back to senses but before they could attack Amy they were taken care of by Levi, Evan, Sam and Leo.

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