Kani's Incident

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Kani is walking through the snow with her brother who wanted to sneak out again...

Kani: seriously, Ryon? You dragged me away from the night Pride for this?

Ryon: yeah! You're always doing boring stuff

Kani: (surprised) Boring stuff?! Is saving animals from nearly dying what you call boring stuff?!

Ryon: well when you put it that w—

Ryon's eyes widen

Kani: what?


Kani: huh grrrr get away from us!

Ryon: it's Alfa.

Kani: Alfa, get out

Alfa: two words?! You can't get a wolf out of the tree with mere two words!

Kani: grrr your gonna get it

Alfa pounced at Kani, Kani dodged Alfa...

Some hours later

Ryon: Sis!

Kani was almost exhausted. The wolf was much more powerful then her. The wolf let her have scars all over her and turned her golden pelt into a reddish gold. She had a scar over her eye and a ripped ear that was very bloody, don't get me wrong, Kani managed to give the wolf a few scars of his own, but not as much as her.

Ryon quickly ran to his sister's aid. Kani fell down out of exhaustion and pain, Ryon supported her.

Kani: g-get the night Pride.... G-get mom and d-dad... I-I'll take it from here.... G-Go!

Looking from his seriously injured Sister and the wolf, Ryon questioned if Kani was actually telling him to leave her. Then the wolf took advantage of the weakened lioness's state and slashed her neck, making her black out from exhaustion

Ryon: SIS! How dare you... h-how dare you...

Alfa just stared with a smirk. Had he killed the princess?

Ryon: (shouting) DAD!

Ryon was so guilty. He brung her out of the safety of the tree and it was his fault....

Ullu came and pecked the wolf away.


Ryon: I-is she alive....

Ullu: yes she's alive I only hear a little pulse...

Ryon: It's my fault I-I brung her out here......

Ullu: No Ryon don't blame yourself you didn't know I must get the king and queen stay with your sister!

Ryon: okay, Ullu...


Kion and Rani saw Kani's unconscious body, so did the rest of the night Pride and they were shocked.

Kion: can someone carry her back to the tree of life?

Msaliti: I can. It's the least I can do...

Rani: thank you very much, Msaliti

Msaliti carried Kani with his talons (he was careful not to scratch her and make her injuries worse) while the night Pride followed close behind, and very guilty Ryon was behind the crowd.

Msaliti put her on the throne rock (is that even a thing?) gently and flew off to be with the night Pride.

Kion: is she still alive, Nirmala?

Msaliti: I heard a bit of a pulse but not much

Nirmala: I'll try all I can your majesties

Just so you know, Nirmala and Surak had a cub named Uzuri

Nirmala: Uzuri, can you help?

Uzuri: of course, mom!

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