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I open one of the many folders on my desk, flipping through pages of dress designers

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I open one of the many folders on my desk, flipping through pages of dress designers. "How was the date?" Mara shouts, running into my office and plopping down in the seat in front of my desk.

"It was good," I mutter, grabbing another folder and flipping through it.

It was fantastic. I got to see the man that ive dreamt about for three hundred fucking years.

Mara gasps, blinking dramatically. "Just good. I did not spend hours on your makeup for it to be good. I need all the details from beginning to end," she replies.

I shake my head, sighing, before closing the folder and moving it to the other end of the desk. "Well, he took me to this house that he built and-"

"He built a house, and then he took you there!"Mara says, interrupting me. I laugh at her shocked eyes. "Yes, and it's gorgeous. It was huge, and he even had a ballroom. Then we kissed, and god, Kane's lips are so fucking soft." Heat rises to my cheeks as I remember the moment Kane and I shared in the kitchen.

I can still feel and remember his lips on mine and the way he danced with me.

Mara lets out a squeal, clapping her hands. "Are you blushing?" she screams. I laughed, "Shh, there are other people in the building, but maybe I am blushing." I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders.

She would blush too, if she experienced what I did last night.

"Sorry," she says in a much softer voice.

"While you are in here, we need to talk about getting more investors and venues for the fashion shows," I say, handing her a folder. She flips through the folder, pausing in the middle and looking up with a smirk.

One thing I learned about Mara over the five years she's worked for me is that whenever she gets a plan, I won't like Mara stops what she's doing and look at me with an evil smirk.

"Well," she says, dragging out the word. "Mara, what idea have you come up with now," I replied mockingly.

"The last gala, we had brought in a couple of investors, but imagine how many investors we would have if Rena Zorbide came to the gala and made a speech. It would be even better if you bring Kane with you," she says.

Rolling my eyes, I sigh, "Mara, you know I don't like public stuff, especially if it involves my private life, and you know I'm in the background, and you give the speeches,"

" You have been in the center of the media since you popped up with designs. No one has ever seen you with someone in a romantic way. Just imagine how much publicity you would get if you showed up to a gala with a hot man. More publicity, more investors."She says, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

I will admit Mara makes a good argument.

I groan, running my hands through my hair " Only if you go through all of these files for me and find me five more models by the end of today," I say.

Mara lets out a squeal, standing up " Thank you! You'll have these folders looked through and finished by the end of the week," she says quickly, grabbing the stack of folders " When I get back to my office, I'll send you the available models" she says, speed walking out the room.

Sometimes, I wonder why I even decided to make a fashion line. Before I became Rena Zorbide, I was a painter and didn't have to worry about public announcements and galas. Painting has always been my passion.

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