Chapter 114

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Chapter 114 After all, the devil guest and the devil program group, willing to...

    The guests arrived at the village at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and it took two or three hours to go out to explore the terrain, so after everyone got together and exchanged information, it was almost time for dinner.

    Everyone's dinner was bread and water. In fact, the portion itself was not enough, but some female guests insisted on saving half of the small portion, saying that they would save it for breakfast tomorrow morning.

    Peng Chen admired their self-control.

    And the female star is worthy of being a female star, even if she is living in this kind of deserted village, she still eats gracefully and elegantly, as if she is attending some high-end dinner party.

    After eating this shabby but extremely precious dinner, everyone carefully studied the content on that task card.

    On the task card I received today, in addition to the four big characters "Haunted House Adventure", there are also a few lines of small characters, which describe in detail how to complete this task.

    According to the description on the task card, Peng Chen and the others need to enter the haunted house one by one at night, and then each find a "treasure" in the house that the program team has hidden in advance.

    What are these "treasures" are? The program group deliberately kept it a secret, which made it more difficult for the guests to find the "treasures". After all, the key knows what it is, and the guests still have some goals after entering. , that would be like a headless chicken.

    The tricks of the program group are more than that. In order to increase the viewability of the program, the program group also formulated reward and punishment measures. If the guests can find all 10 items from the "Haunted House" tonight, the program team will reward them with 3 extra food items tomorrow; Take a few more pieces from the food.

    So this night's haunted house adventure is not only a personal battle, but also a team battle.

    At 7 o'clock in the evening, a group of people set off for the "haunted house".

    The so-called haunted house is actually one of the houses in the deserted village, but it is a little more dilapidated than the other houses.

    Some of the guests were still holding out hope, thinking that even if they entered the haunted house, at least there would be a follow-up director with them. Although the follow-up director did not speak from the beginning to the end, there was someone beside him who could be brave. As a result, when they reached the entrance of the haunted house, the film director stopped in his tracks, not intending to go any further.

    They are all people in this circle. When they saw this, they immediately realized that the program group should have installed an infrared camera in the "Haunted House" in advance, so as to ensure the recording and thoroughly implement the theme of "Haunted House Adventure".

    In short, if you want to go in alone, you have to go in alone, and you can't even go in with the director.

    However, the program group still has a bit of humanity. They left a flashlight for the guests. But not one for each person, but a flashlight for ten guests to use in turn. Whoever wants to enter the haunted house will go in with a flashlight, and the others will wait outside the house.

    Peng Chen and Jiang Siyan originally thought that if other people were afraid, they could go in first, but as soon as they arrived at the entrance of the haunted house, a guest suggested that for the sake of fairness, they could directly use the "palm of hand and back of hand" game to decide the winner.

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