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Sages pov

The day of the festival had finally begun, and we could finally have some fun. After getting changed, which felt like it took forever, Rania helped me into the wagon and started pulling me along with her to keep up with the others. Madilyn seemed to have gained some weight, but not in a bad way, Friend seemed to be a lot more protective over her and was continuing to get even more protective as the days went on. We all brushed it, though, keeping our minds on the prize, the festival. There was supposed to be a firework show at the end, which excited me. We arrived at the festival ground maybe an hour after everything opened up. We went our separate ways some are staying with each other. Tubbo was insistent that he stay with Rania and I to make sure I was ok, even though Papa made a war zone out of my scalp when braiding it earlier

 Tubbo was insistent that he stay with Rania and I to make sure I was ok, even though Papa made a war zone out of my scalp when braiding it earlier

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Raina wanted to wait till after the festival to have Papa re braid her hair, so she was wearing a headwrap to protect her hair in the meantime.

 Raina wanted to wait till after the festival to have Papa re braid her hair, so she was wearing a headwrap to protect her hair in the meantime

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"Every time he adds more braids, I keep thinking you look more and more like a viking," Tubbo said looking around. I chuckled slowly leaning forward and poking Rania's arm. She turned and looked down at me. "What is hun?" She asked crouching to my level. "Can we stop and grab a bite to eat? I think we're all getting pretty hungry." I asked pointing to a stand that was selling mushroom stew and ale which sealed the deal for Rania. "Sure I could go for for food." She replied looking at my pocket watch. "We have a little less then 30 minutes so we should make this quick." She continued, pulling on the cart to walk toward the stand. We got our food and drink and later met back up with the rest of the group. I took a little longer eating my soup as to not disturb the healing process of my burns. Everybody started piling into the venue where the show was gonna be held. Rania stood at my side holding my hand, while we waited for the show to start. People started chearing and clapping when the lights went out and figure appeared in the darkness. "Time, truly our one limiting factor in life. Not laws, not our family, not even ourselves." A voice spoke, it was a male and i felt something about the aura of my family quickly change. I looked at Philza and Tubbo who were on my right and noticed that they seemed panicked. Philza leaned over to Papa and started muttering, and it was then i noticed that Papa also seemed on edge. I ignored it and looked back at the man who was talking. "We all have our own factor in life that make us special, maybe we know some magic, or we're part of a royal family..." When he said that thats when i started to feel uneasy, cause the village was filled with peasents, not to sound rude or anything but the fact that I was only one who had any connection to a royal family and the speaker mentioned royals was a little scary. "But than again time has no restriction, then again im sure we all know that... don't we Astoria?" The man said looking straight at me. My heart sank, he knew my name, my birth given name he knew it! I grabbed Rania's arm and she kind of got the idea that we needed to go. "But dont leave now, we still have show to put on." He said the lights finally coming on again, he had a green hoodie, and a white mask with a smile. He pulled a black skull from his bag and the sound of pistons pushing something up. It was the ingredients for a wither, but with a command black in the middle. He placed the head on top of the command block and shit went to hell. People started screaming and panicking, and being sucked into this thing. "We need to get out of here!" Philza said, grabbing Mumza's hand. "What the hell is that thing?!" Madilyn yelled running after Bad and Minx. I started trying to get out of the wagon, cringing at the pain in my legs. "Friend honey grab her arm!" Rania yelled grabbing one of my arms while friend grabbed the other. "The ship! We have to get to the ship, we can't leave the egg!" I yelled, I wasn't about to leave my child. My child? No, friend is my child, the egg is the child of the Ender dragon. I jumped out of their arms and rushed to the ship. I grabbed the egg which was still on the burning coals, than some pieces of obsidian, a flint and steel, and some other materials. Shoving them into my bag then holding the egg close to my body I rushed off the ship and joined the others. "There's a spot in the forest we can go! We can build a portal and we'll be safe there!" I yelled limping to the forest, clutching the egg. When we got to the forest we started placing the obsidian to make a nether portal, then I lit it and they all jumped in. I was shoved in, by none other the green hoodie man him fucking self. "That was not supposed to happen!" He yelled, running out of the way as the tentacles of the wither coming through the portal and destroying it. "I thought you were dead!" Tommy yelled, punching the guy in the face. "Hey hey easy Tom, I'm sure nothing will go wrong." Mumza said comforting Tommy. "Mumza no offense but we just got attack by a green homeless teletubie, and now we are stuck in the nether." Friend said, pointing at the smile bitch then the ruined portal. I put the egg in the part of my dress that overhang from the part that was tied off so when I walked, the egg would stay just on my chest, and then i took a second to look at my family around me. We were all injured to some degree, but Madilyn seemed off. She seemed to be muttering to herself, I couldn't quite make sense of what she was saying but from what I was about to hear, and by her body language and the way her wings were fluttering, it seemed like she wasn't speaking to herself, it almost like she was talking to somebody else. "Well it was nice talking but I need to go now." Green man said using a potion of invisibility and disappearing. "I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL DREAM!! IM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE ANY MORE MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY!!!" Tubbo yelled, clearly him and this Dream character had some issues. "Come on, if we can get to a fortress we might be able to get some materials to get back to the overworld." I said, wrapping my arm around Rania's shoulder. "What about the mobs? They aren't exactly friendly" Minx said, patting my back. "Minx, I love you and all, you are my god mother, but with all due respect I think mobs are the least of our concerns right now." I replied, and it was true. We had people to worry about, my people, their people. The world as whole was falling into chaos with the Wither storm out there, and we had to stop it before it destroyed everything.

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