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Sage's pov

"It is hot in here!" Philza said, for like 5th time within the span of 10 minutes. "And im covered in burns so for the love of Herobrine Phil suck it up and keep fucking walking!" I yelled looking around in the foggy light, which was caused by fire and lava. I refused help from the others, cause if there's a threat out there I needed to suck it up and do my duty as a princess. Rocks fell to our left which grabbed our attention. Papa drew his sword getting in front of us, despite me trying to get infront of him. "Come on out and you won't get hurt!" He belted narrowly missing an arrow being shot past his face. I looked around, spotting a red cloak in the distance, that of a noble. Using my telaportation, I spwaned right next to the person. "Woah woah, easy now!" The man had something to his head. It was a crown, not like one Papa wears, like a crown from the royal family of the Nether. "Who are you?" I ordered keeping the guy on the floor. The others caught up to me, watching commit an act of treason if this was who I thought it was. "My lord! Are you ok?' A teenage girl asked coming out of nowhere. Realizing who this was I withdrew my weapon, and stepped back. "Yes, Young one, im alright. Good shot with the arrow, I see Eret has trained you well." He replied, patting the girls head. "Who are you?" I asked again, this time less hostile. "Forgive me, my name is Alec Lane. I am the king Consort of the nether." He said bowing a little. "Yeah and who's the little girl with the bow and arrow?" Tubbo asked, pulling the arrow out of his shoulder. "Apologizes, that is Ellie Lee. She's training to be a hunter." Sir Alec replied. "Sir Alec, i would like to request a meeting with your wife, the queen, if that's not too much of a problem." I asked, putting on a polite tone and face. Word of my unofficial return to court must have spread through to the Nether cause Alec bowed as royals do for each other. "Lady Astoria, Im afraid the Queen I'd rather busy right now, perhaps another time?" He replied, doing some weird thing with his hands. "We don't exactly have time to waist. The overworld is being attacked by a wither storm, and we need help," I pleaded, now also bowing, hoping that, at the very least, she would hear us out. "Very well, the queen takes otherworldly threats very seriously. This way!" He ordered walking away. We followed him and eventually came to a castle. It was a lot different from the lush castle, which was surrounded by a shallow water moat. The Nether castle was surrounded by lava. We were led in by Sir Alec and led through multiple hallways before coming to the throne room. He stopped us and then walked to the smaller throne next to a young lady. The Nether queen, Lady Kira Lane, was one of the more docile and kind queens but took worldly threats very seriously. "My lady, these people have requested to see you." Sir Alec said, kissing his wife's hand. "Very well, do proceed, please." She replied, locking eyes with me. "We need an army, or at least some of your troops somebody has unleashed a being far beyond our ability to control." BadBoyHalo said, stepping forward. "And why ask me for my troops? You have the princess, the heir to the red throne. Why not just summon her army?" Lady Kira replied, gesturing to me. "Because I have no army, you half-wit. Realistically, I don't have a title either, i have nothing but my family!" I answered, dropping the proper shit cause she was pissing me off. "Do not blame me for your own foolishness. You have no right to come into my castle into my home and talk to me like that..." I interrupted her, trying to get it through her head that just because I am princess, I don't get everything handed to me. "I was born a Baskerville, not that I can remember it." I started, slowly making my way up the small set of stairs to the throne. "We fled before the scarlet queen's assassins could catch us. The scarlet queen was your mothers best friend, no? I wonder if your mother knew her best friend had sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. Not that it matters now, of course. I spent my life in foreign lands, so many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. I have been sold like a broodmare, I've been chained and betrayed, burned and controlled. Do you know what kept me standing through all these years in exile? Faith, not in any gods, not in myths and legends. In myself, in Astoria Baskerville. Humans hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my family and i went to the End. The ceythrin hadn't crossed the sea, any sea, but they did for me. I was born to rule the second realm, and I will." I continued eventually coming face to face with her. "I know this is far from proper or professional, but we don't have time for pleasantries. People are saying out there, and we need your help." I pleaded, grabbing her hand. We got into a staring contest, which surprisingly I won. "I do not have any army men to spare, but Sir Alec and I will go with you in their place. Eret can handle the throne until we get back." She replied, leaving to go get changed, I guess. "I should be off to change as well, Ellie will insist she goes with." Sir Alec replied, chuckling when Ellie started badgering him. We waited for a bit until we heard the clicking of boots. "Greetings, I am the Queens' right-hand person!" We heard a voice say enthusiasticly. "Eret, it's good to see you again, my friend." Philza said, hugging him. They had a small bonding moment before the queen, king, and Ellie came back all dressed and ready. "Alright, I will allow you to lead us into battle, Lady Astoria. May the odds ever be in our favor." Lady Kira said, bowing a bit. I nodded, walking/limmping out of the throne room and the castle. There was a battle on the horizon, and a lot of people were going to die. But if that's the price to pay to save the world, fine, I'll take it.

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