The 1st Class Trial

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At 11.52 pm there was a murder
during the investigation it had seemed to be a staged sucide
with a knife in Aiden's chest
but its staged in such a way that it looks like a sucide
there are gloves near her body that was used to hide fingerprints
The murder happened in the kitchen
<whoever did this murder was kinda being stupid>

Monokuma. "finally we can begin with our class trial"

Alex. "So where was everyone at the scene of the crime?"
Pluto. "In hell /j"
Alex. "I was in my dorm playing fortnite"
Pluto. "LMAO"
Fred. "I was outside with my lighter, trying to find some branches to burn"
Scarlett <The utimate survivalist> . '~I saw Pluto outside. It looked like she was heading to the kitchen but idk~'
Alex. "could.."
"she have.."
"No there is no way"
Scarlett. '~its possible she did commit the murder~'
Alex. "Pluto.."
Pluto. "What"
Alex. "why were you at the kitchen.."
Pluto. "I was getting a snack, I was hungry ;-;"
Fred. "seems like her snack was poor Aiden"
Pluto. "what-"
Alex. "at what time did you get a snack?"
pluto. "like"
Fred. (I need cail istg, they would be so much help)
Pluto. "10:00?, i dont remember"
Alex. "ah"
Pluto. "then i went back to bed"
Alex. "I think pluto is in the clear"
Mercury <The Utimate Imposanater>. "i saw fred in the kitchen while i was walking around"
Fred. "funny as I never even went to the kitchen"
Clyde <The Utimate Ethuiest">. "Maybe you sleep walked?"
Fred. "I sleep mostly during the day" "night time is the better time to burn a few things anyway"
Alex. "wait.., Mercury, why were you walking around the halls in the first place?"
Mercury. "My nightly walk"
Fred. "then shouldn't I have seen you?"
Rebecca <The Utimate Shopper> . "They walked inside not outside._"
Fred. "I was outside myself. It's the only place I can find wood"
Clyde. "Suspicious"
Fred. "yet I didn't see mercury once"
Alex. "Mercury was inside, not outside"
Fred. "that would explain it", "and can we hurry this up? I've got a robot I should be building"
Mercury. "Yea Fred"
Alex. "what robot?"
Fred. "it's not important"
Alex. "a killer robot perhaps??", "hmm?"
Fred. "it's just a robot that preforms for people. Happy?"
Mercury. "Lame"
Fred. "call it lame again and I'll burn you"
Mercury. "Bet"
Alex. "OKAY OKAY SO I REMEMBERED SOMETHING" , "while investagating" , "I saw dirt foot prints in the kitchen" , "Care to explain"
Richard <The Utimate Hacker> . "'finally something useful'"
Fred. "like I said. I didn't go into the kitchen"
Mercury. "This pyscho is definitely the killer"
Fred. "I'm not a fucking physco"
Alex. "who else was outside?"
John <the utimate protector> . "Exactly"
Scarlett. '~may I add~' '~since I am his best friend, if he were to kill someone he would burn them to death, not stab them~'
Alex. "okay but relistically, he could stab someone to make it less obvious, his goal would to be to frame someone"
Fred. "using a knife is so old school. And I'll admit that the only way I'd ever kill someone is with fire"
Alex. "you did try to pin the blame on pluto earlier right?"
Fred. "I have no interest on framing anyone. I'd be proud of my kills"
Fred. "because I saw her outside"
Alex. "and still, HUH, YOU SAW PLUTO OUTSIDE?!"
Fred. "but what I also saw while I was burning a stick was someone dressed in black walking with Aiden"
Alex. "hmm, who is someone who wears all black?, cail. Or axe but neither of them are here"
People who arnt currently online are npcs
Alex. "so does anyone have any ideas on who the killer is"

"I think mercury is the killer.."

Mercury. "WHY ME?"
Fred. "Mercury definitely seems like the one to kill"
Fred. "just cast the vote already. I've got more important shit to do"
Mercury. "WAIT-"
Monokuma. "you've all already decided?"
Alex. "yep."
Mercury. "NOOO??"
Monokuma. "then let the voting begin!"
Mercury. "Shit.."

Monokuma. "the votes are in! Let's see if you guessed the killer correct"

Mercury. "My imortal life comes to a end then.."

Monokuma. "you all guessed correctly! Mercury killed Aiden"

Alex. "but why.."
Monokuma. "and now...ITS PUNISHMENT TIMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"
Mercury. "I-"
Mercury. "I wanted to save you all._"
John. "liar" , You wanted us all dead"
Fred. *sigh* "you failed"
Mercury. "..."
Monokuma. "and now it's time for the execution!!!"
We have currently no execution for mercury but we will figure something out

Fred. "well that's something"


mercury dies while we never knew their true intitions
or thier true motive


End of trial 1


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