Sound and Fury

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In the house where a demon fox was working on a special surprise present for her friend sari. She has been working on this surprise present day and night without no sleep and she was getting really tired that she had to drink 17 cups of coffee to keep herself awake. It was all most done with it, but it needs one more thing and she needs to ask the autobots for her help. Today is sari's birthday and she has to get there in time.

Maki:see you later buddy *yawns* I'm going to sari's birthday.....I'll bring you some *yawns* cake.

Pochita was sleeping on his bed looking at Maki for a bit and rolls on his back and falls asleep again. Maki walk out of the house and ran to the park where the birthday is going to be at and she stumbled a few times and almost fallen asleep, but she has to be there for sari and ask the autobots to help her with her surprise gift for sari. She made it and she sees the autobots were here as well.

Maki:hey guys! I made it.

She trip and did a few rolls and lays flat on the ground.

She trip and did a few rolls and lays flat on the ground

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Bumblebee runs over to check on her.

Bumblebee:you ok Maki!? That was a nasty fall!

She try's to get up cause she stumbled a little and wipes off the dirt all over her and gave him a tired smile.

Maki:don't worry bee *yawns* I'm fine.

Prowl grew concerned of how she looks with her hair mess up, her clothes untidy, and she has bags under her eyes.

Prowl:you alright Maki? You look like you haven't slept for a few stellar cycles.

Maki:I'm *yawns* fine prowl don't let's get this *yawn* party started.

Bulkhead:yeah, let's get this party started!

Bulkhead runs over to them and his hard stomping cause the kids to fall down on each other. He stops seeing what he did and he felt guilty.


The party was going fine and it was time to hit the piñata. Sari was trying to hit the piñata, but she keeps missing it and everyone were cheering her on to try her best.

Bulkhead:hold on sari! I'll help, I don't even need a bat!

His head turn into a wreaking ball and covered his eyes and started to swing to hit the piñata and prowl sweat drop at that idea.

Prowl:this will not end well.

Everyone watches bulkhead breaking everything around him and destroying everything of party stuff. He uncovers his eyes.

Bulkhead:how I do?

He sees everything of all the things he wreaked and it was a disaster.

Ratchet:the idea is to celebrate the kids birthday! Not making her last one!

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