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Hi Friends!

sorry for such a late update things have just been super hectic!

Just a disclaimer, I am not in anyway trying to romanticise any form of abuse, and if you or anyone you know is struggling please seek professional help x

7th July, Arizona

Freya paced her small kitchen nervously glancing at the clock every few seconds. He would be here any minute, he would most probably be drunk or have the intention of drinking. Dressed in grey sweats, hair pulled up she began to chip her brown painted nails. She only got them done two days ago, but they were to fall victim to her ever growing anxiety.

There's food in the fridge I can quickly warm if he's hungry, there's alcohol in the cupboards I can offer if he wants a drink, my hairs up like he likes, I recorded the episode of Chicago fire he missed, I changed the sheets on the bed like he asked, his towel is heating on the rack if he wants to shower. A list of things rang through her head as she tired to think of every outcome and how she could defuse it. Her mind didn't get to wander much longer however as soon enough she could make out his headlights through the living room windows. 21.34 the clock read, 10 minutes earlier than yesterday.

Taking a deep breath she turned her back to the door and pretended to be busy. She purposely left one dirty plate in the sink to wash-up as he was on his way in, that way it would look like she was busy cleaning. Exactly how he wanted her to be.

"Babyyyyyy" He called cheerfully as he opened the door, letting his keys clatter as he placed them in the bowl in the entryway.

"Kitchen" She called back easily.

"How was work?" She asked with a gentle smile as she turned to take in his appearance. He didn't look too drunk but then again she had forgotten what he looked like sober.

"Long and boring" He huffed heading straight to the fridge and pulling out a beer. "Whats for dinner?" He asked noticing the absence of food.

"Oh there's left over meatballs" She says walking towards the fridge to grab the container.

"I'm not having left overs you can eat that what else can you make me" He asked growing impatient.

"That's all we have I need to run to the store tomorrow or you can order yourself something" She suggested hoping the situation wouldn't explode. However she was wrong.

"Why can't you do something so simple? what have you even done today? You couldn't go to the store today, you finish work at 4 you teach you basically play with kids for a living, you didn't think you could run to the store" He argues his voice growing louder as he took a swing of his beer.

"I had the kids who take extra circular today I didn't finish till 6 and the store shuts at 7 I wouldn't have made it" She explains "I can heat you up some meatballs, I can order you something and pick it up so it's quicker or" she turns to open the cupboards to see what food they had "I can make you some pasta in a tomato sauce or something"

All she got in return was a scoff "Do you not want to eat then?" She asked, although as soon as those words left her mouth she instantly regretted them.

"Of course I want to eat" he huffed as he finished his beer "Do I want to eat" He mumbled mockingly under his breath. "What I want is a capable girlfriend but clearly that's off the table" He rolled his eyes.

"I will run to the store tomorrow after work and make you whatever you want" She said calmly "I'm sorry I can't do that for you today but this is all that we have babe- I can make pasta, I can heat meatballs, I can order food, I can make tea and toast" She turned again to see if she could rummage anything else up "I can-"

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