Chapter 1 Arrived

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~~~~ Arrived ~~~~

Being in the system makes you think that no one wants you. No one wants to make you happy. It's not fair. Absolutly not fair. I always wanted to know how a real family works with a loving mom and dad.

I stepped out of Mrs Walters car and sighed. Looking at the house. Two story house with pool. One huge oak tree at the right side and there are some flowers on the left side. I checked out the other house beside it. It was almost the same though maybe a little bigger. I sighed and started to take out my boxes from her car.

I met with my new foster parents a couple of times already but today was a day to move in their house. It felt strange as usual but I think I was used to it. I needed to be used to it.

I don't have much stuff. I only have maybe 5 or 6 boxes. Well you know moving this much like me I am happy I have this much stuff.

I packed my stuff out of the paper boxes. It's really become my habit in the last 8 years. Oh yeah.

I am eighteen. I start my last year at high school in a new school. My last foster parents looked kind too but they wasn't sure how to handle me and that's why I moved a lot in the last two years. The last 3 foster parents didn't like me. I didn't like them too so it was mutual.
My new ones Mr and Mrs Walters looked good though. I sighed.

I was in the system too much. I don't even remember my parents or anything really. I mean I was a baby. How could I remember?

- Lorraine? - my new foster mom, Mandy walked inside of my room.

- Hey. - I smiled slightly.

- Tomorrow is school. I just brought your schedule. - she smiled at me genuinely giving me my papers.

- Thank you and I am sorry that I need to crash here. - I whispered. I felt sorry because I felt like I was a burden.

- Lorraine, please. We are happy to help. - she tells me. - I already told Jacob about you. - She tells me and I looked at her puzzled. They don't have children. That's why they are doing this being a foster parents thing. They couldn't have kids so they got in kids who need a place to stay and they help you to live. Complicated. They are kind.

- Who is Jacob? - I asked her. She smiled at me.

- He is going to the same school like you. He is our neighbors son. One of them. - she tells me and I nodded. She is really kind though. More kinder than the others were and I really like their house too.

- Jim and me are going out today. Will you be all right?- She asked me. Wow. Big trust that they leave me in the house alone already but I liked them I don't want to betray them by any chance and it felt good they have trust in me.

My last 3 foster parents was horrible. Their houses was filthy and dusty. Moulded. One of them actually closed me in a closet. Yeah. The other tried to rape me and the other one were both drug addict. I was lucky to make it alive.

This house was perfect and I never thought I would be lucky enough to find someone who loves me or likes me enough to give me a huge room full with girl stuff and asked me if we can go shopping for clothes. I think I felt lucky and emotional.

I wiped my tears away quickly and nodded.
- Yes. It's fine. Can I call you if I need something? - l know it's sounded needy but I am a needy little girl even if I am already 18.
- Of course, Lorraine. - she tells me and hugs me. - I gave you a phone am I? - She whispered. She did. She even asked me what I want? No one asked me ever what I want.

- Yeah. - I tell her. She walks out and I went downstairs to the kitchen to snack on something and then walked out to the back porch. I sat down and looked around. It was quiet and sunny. I loved it here. I take off my slippers and sighed. I was digging into my crisps hungrily. It was delicious. What was it? Onion? Sour cream? Garlic? What's this? I sip from my cola and sighed.

It felt like home. Finally.

I wondered how the school will be tomorrow? Would I get friends? How is it going to be? I sighed putting my sunglasses on.

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