I'm So Different From the Me I Used to Know

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Sana could only watch as the freckled boy – and were those wings on his back!? – ran out of Protego without another look back, obviously distressed. Just as she was about to run after him, however, a loud 'THUD' echoed from Chan's office. Confused, and admittedly angry – why didn't Chan open to Felix when he was outright pleading for his help!? – Sana immediately went to investigate.

The door was locked. When she tried a spell to unlock it, she was shocked. Cursing under her breath, she started pounding on the door.

"Chan! What the hell is wrong with you? Open the door this instant—!"


Sana froze. It wasn't like Chan to act this way, and she knew for a fact just how desperate he was to earn Felix's forgiveness – he wouldn't have turned him away. Not unless... not unless he had no other choice.

"Miss Sana? What's wrong?" asked one of the younger club members, visibly worried.

"I don't know. I'm going to find a teacher, try and open this door by any means necessary!"

"O- okay!?"

Sana rushed out of Protego and immediately started making her way to the Great Hall. It didn't take her too long to reach it but, as she approached, she found Headmistress Sunmi along with Healer Kim, Professor Hyuna and Professor Choi standing outside, near the stairs, where a student was sitting.

"Headmistress!" she called out. "We need your help!"

"I'm afraid it'll have to wait, Miss Sana," cut the Headmistress, obviously worried.

It took a moment for Sana to recognize the student as Jisung. He looked... confused. A little pale, but mostly lost.

"What happened to him?"

"He was under the Imperius Curse," answered somberly Professor Choi.

Sana's guts twisted. An Unforgivable Curse casted on a student? If this much had already happened, she dreaded to think of what could possibly be keeping Chan in his office.

"Bang Chan is trapped in his office in Protego," she said, urgency now filling her voice. "We can't get the door open and he's unresponsive – I'm scared something might have happened to him!"

The Headmistress immediately straightened up. "This was obviously targeted... Healer Kim, keep an eye on Jisung. Professor Hyuna, instruct all of the students to return to their dorms at once and to remain there until further notice. Professor Choi, come with me – if the door's charmed, we'll need your help." She then shot a frustrated look around. "And where the hell are Vice-Principal Seo and Professor Peniel!? Someone find them!"

Everyone got moving, and Sana was quick to lead the Headmistress and Professor Choi back to Protego, where they quickly found out that the members had yet to manage to open the door. Professor Choi immediately got to work, while Sana recounted the entire incident to the Headmistress.

"Felix is in trouble," she concluded. "Jisung and Chan have been targeted, and the others are still unaccounted for – we need to figure this out, and fast."

"I agree. Unfortunately, I've felt the magical wards break just minutes ago – as far as I'm aware, Felix has somehow managed to leave the school, and there's no way of knowing where he's gone," sighed the Headmistress.

"What!? But that's—"

"Watch out!"

With a powerful blast, Professor Choi finally managed to unlock the door. As soon as it opened, he rushed inside, and Sana was quick to follow. Her mouth fell open as she took in the sight of Chan and Minho tied and gagged, Hyunjin and Changbin lying on the floor and trapped by a freezing spell, and Felix's familiar trapped inside a summoning circle.

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