Chapter Three

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*Zayn's pov* 

"Who's next." The mystery girl breathed. Okay, I'll admit, I'm overly scared right now, after I got the text from X, three men in black came out of no-where and grabbed me. Then this girl came running like she was one of Charlie's Angels and pointed a gun. This is just a weird night. 

"Charlotte, put down the gun." The man on my right said. Okay, so her name is Charlotte. Then why does her name tag say Mandie? 

"No, I will not put down the gun. And how do you know my name?!" She said aggravated. 

"Alright, you asked for it." The guy said again, with that the guys holding Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall put their guns up to their heads, just then I felt something cold on my head. They did the same to me, I gulped. This is it, I'm dead. I haven't seen Perrie in weeks, and I'm going to die, right before out third album comes out. Shit, shit, shit! 

"Put the guns down!" She yelled with full force, the boys and I all jumped back, and X's workers tightened their grip on us. 

"Look kid, I don't know who the fuck you are. But step away and put the gun down. You don't know what you're doing." The guy holding Harry said. In a way, he was right, she's probably just a crazy fan, but why was she wearing a disguise? 

It all happened in a flash. Charlotte shot the gun out of Harry's guys hand, then Niall's, then Louis', then Liam, and finally mine. All the guys that were holding us were now on the floor, and I'm not sure if their dead, or just scared. 

"Come on, hurry up." Charlotte urged, I didn't hesitate, I need to get out of here, fast. She lead us to a red sports car. How the fuck are 6 people supposed to fit in that?!

"Okay, blondey sit on the brunettes in the back, you" she pointed at me "get in the front with me, hurry up they're coming." She rushed, we all got in, and she jumped in, started the engine and sped off. 

How she's speeding down New York City traffic is still a mystery, but we managed to get out of the City in less then five minutes. We were now on a quite road surrounded by the forest. It was now pouring, and I had no clue where we're going. But for some reason, I felt safe. 

*Charlie's pov* 

The silence was getting to me, the only noise in the car was our heavy breathing and the heater. They all looked scared, but relaxed at the same time, odd. I guess they need an explanation...

"Okay, so I think you guys deserve an explanation." I said, fidgeting around in my seat as my grip tightened on the steering wheel. The didn't say a word, just nodded. 

"Well, my name is Charlotte, but that name pisses me off, so call me Charlie."  I smirked, they almost looked scared, they nodded and I continued "I work for the CPA, 'Celebrity Protection Program', we take care of celebrities in danger. We found out that another 'Mr.X' was going to be coming after you, so I was sent to watch you guys at the bowling ally." Their eyes widened, but they seemed to catch on. "X will not be getting to you, as long as your under our safety. I'm not sure what they're going to have you do, but you'll soon find out. Right now we are going to our headquarters, which is about a half hour away from the city. We'll be there in about 5 minutes, any questions?" 

Blondey raised his hand, I chuckled "You don't need to raise your hand, I'm not an old teacher, I'm 18." 

"How did you guys find out about X?" He asked, he has an adorable Irish accent. 

"We're like the FBI, but better. We know everything." I replied smugly. Then I remembered, I was supposed to check in with my dad. Shit! I kept one hand on the steering wheel as I leaned over to the glove box of the car. I could feel their eyes on my ass, wow, they definitely are normal teenagers. I grabbed my earpiece and sat back in my seat. I turned it on and put it in my ear, my dad instantly came on.

"Charlie!? What happened?" My dads voice urgently said,

"They're definitely back. There was seven of them. I have the boys with me now. We're on our way."  I said calmly. 

"Alright, make sure nobody's following you" My dad grunted and hung up. 

I looked in my rear view mirror, it was just an empty road. We weren't being followed, thank god... 


Short, sorry guys. Just a filler. 

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