Coming back

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(Erm there's a time skip I'm to lazy to write🥰)

Grace said when im free I could come over for dinner, she's lonely, it makes me sad. So I try to spend time with her as much as possible.

I thought at least it woke me up otherwise I would've been asleep for a little longer. I walked out of the house and what do you know I see paparazzi yay!

"Sunny! Sunny do you have a secret boyfriend?" A interviewer asked

"umm bye I have to go" all that flashing is gonna give me a seizure I thought as they finally went away.

Once mads and becca noticed me they both ran over to me and hugged me so tight I thought I was gonna die by mads because she was crushing my ribs but I missed her so I just hugged her back.

We all then walked over to the boys and Tristan hugged me tightly more tight than maddy did "oww. ribs. crushing" I say in the hug "oh sorry" he says quickly "it's alright" I then walked over to Mason and gave him a big hug.

As we were all walking back to Brady's car I said "how was filming without me?" "Amazing" Miguel said without hesitation "damn" I say putting my hand up to my heart. "Finney already got kidnapped" Mason said "aww not poor Finn what will we ever do without him" I say jokingly "I hate you" Mason said pushing me "I just got here be nice" I said laughing "whatever" Mason said.

We then made it home and everyone asked me what I was gonna do I told them I was going over to graces house, They all knew grace so they didn't care.

I  grabbed my headphones because i can't go anywhere without them.

As I was in my room grace called me "hey Sunny!" she said happily, i instantly smiled at her voice "Hey grace!" i said in a cheerful voice just like hers "I know sometimes i'm kinda boring, so i thought you could bring a friend or boyfrienddd" She teased me, as she was talking I  walked over to the  bathroom so i could put some makeup on.

  Mason walked in "hey wanna go to graces house with me?" I ask "yeah sure why not I'm gonna change real quick" Mason said "alright I'll be in here" I told him, still on the phone "okay grace my Friend mason is gonna come with me!" i told her, i was really happy grace could finally meet mason! Cause I may or may not have talked about him to her...

"okay" she said before hanging up, sometimes she forgets to say bye i find it funny honestly.

i went back to doing my makeup with tv girl was blasting in my headphones.

After i got done i walked out but at the right time cause as soon as I was leaving the bathroom Mason walked in saying he was ready.

Me and Mason finally made it to graces house and I knocked she opened a few seconds after "Sunny! it's nice too see you, oh i see you brought your boyfriend" she says smirking slightly "oh he's not my boyfriend" I say turning kinda embarrassed.

"oh not yet? Alright, what's your name young boy?" grace asks Mason "Mason. Mason Thames" Mason said formally.

We then ate a delicious dinner grace had made, it's good too eat something homemade once in a while yk. After the dinner we all just talked it was really fun honestly.

"Bye grace I'll try and stop by tomorrow if I can" I say "oh no don't your a teenager do something more with your life then just taking care of an old lady" grace said "no it's fine I can stop by tomorrow, since it will be my last day of not filming" I say trying to convince her.

To be honest I love hanging out with grace she also likes to paint if I never said that she usually likes too paint me, which I enjoy a lot because it always turns out absolutely beautiful. "Nope I won't allow it" she says "fine I won't come over tomorrow" I say "alright bye sunny and Mason" grace says "bye grace" me and mase said at the same time.

When me and Mason where walking there was silence but not an uncomfortable silence more of silence I liked.

When we made it home we both said goodnight and walked up to our rooms and went to sleep.

I honestly want to meet a person like grace tbh😭

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