chapter 1:

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It was a boring day for majima, he had been walking around Sotenbori.

It had been a year since kiryu had disappeared.

As he was walking some thugs walked over to him.

"You, hand over your wallet," one of them said.

Majima then sighed from the thugs' stupidity.

"I said hand over your-," the thug said till majima kicked him back and struck him with his bat.

The other thugs were shocked to see him do that.

"You want my wallet now?" Majima said.

"N-no thank you," the thugs said as they got on the ground.

"Good," majima said.

He then walked away, but he didn't feel like himself, kiryu not being around, he couldn't find anyone to have fun with.

He then walked to a M store to find what he desired.

"Yo, got any cigarettes?" Majima asked the cashier.

"Yeah, which one?" The cashier asked.

"That one," majima said, pointing to a brand.

As he made his purchase, majima also bought a steam bun.

As he then took a bite out of his steam bun.

As he finished eating he walked to the nearest taxi and got in.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Kamurocho," Majima said.

"Alright," the driver said.

The driver then drove to Majima's destination.

"So what's your name?" The driver asked.

"Majima, goro majima," he responded.

"The mad dog of shimano," the driver asked.

"Yeah- where did you learn that?" Majima asked.

"Stories spread around fast, and besides...," the driver said.

Those words soon set off Majima's radar, he noticed that the driver's eyes were glowing.

The shit is up with you?! Majima exclaimed.

"That's because," the driver said until his head snapped towards majima. "I'm not real."

This freaked out majima making him draw his dagger.

But just before he could swing, the driver glowed and disappeared in thin air, leaving the wheel with no person to... you know control.

Majima quickly climbed into the driver's seat and got on the wheel.

"This is new, the hell happened to the driver?" Majima said in confusion.

Just as he got the taxi in control, the car began to admit an aura.

"Now what?!" He exclaimed.

As the car went further, the aura began to grow brighter.

"AAAHHHH!" He screamed.

Just then he got sent to a different world, where he landed in a forest, quickly slamming on the breaks.

As the car came to a complete stop, he stuttered from what he saw and lowered his head on the wheel.

"What. The. Hell?" He said as he was breathing his pain.

He then raised his head to see the world around him.

He looked to see the driver's license that would be displayed for anyone, but he couldn't see one.

the mad dog of fairy tailWhere stories live. Discover now