Chapter 4

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Tw; slut shaming, slurs, blood, violence

Azrial hadn't been looking forward to attending school after the incident with the 'popular girls'. As athletic as they are, they can't take 5 different girls at the same time. So, naturally, they told the cops, principal and staff. Not much was done, the classes that had Sapphire or any of the girls had been moved to different people so no one got hurt. Spencer would bring Azrial home from school, or Azrial would go to Spencer's house. The two sat together at lunch, no one really sat close to them, it'd be reputation suicide.

Spencer was getting his lunch, so Azrial sat alone at their normal table. People sat around them, always leaving the spot next to Azrial open, it's just courtesy, they knew someone sat there. So when the spot got taken by someone who wasn't Spencer, Azrial was confused. Until they made eye contact.

"Hey slut, hook up with a boy last night?" Sapphire asked sweetly, sending death glares to the other people around them. "Whatever you want to think Sapphire. I'm eating my lunch." Azrial replied coolly, taking a bite of their sandwich. Sapphire scoffed and stood up, slamming Azrial's head into the table. "Ow, fuck!" They exclaimed, standing up angrily. Sapphire and a few others laughed, but most of the people at the table actually slightly liked Azrial.

Sapphire tugged at Azrial's hair, which was hiding their ears. "What a freak!" She laughed as Azrial's face flushed in embarrassment. Spencer saw what was going on and made his way over. His height gave him an advantage as he pushed his way through the other students. Azrial turned towards Sapphire and went to swing, when arms encased their body and pulled them back. "Azrial, sit down." Spencer whispered in their ear, tucking their ears behind hair again. Spencer stood up straight and stared Sapphire down, anger clear in his face. Well, eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Spencer hissed as Sapphire stared at him dumbfounded. Azrial smiled into their hand and grabbed Spencer's wrist as he leaned down further. "Don't scare her too much." "As if, I'm just talking to her." One of Sapphire's friends had come up to Azrial, who was distracted with Spencer. The girl's name is Emily, and she's very homophobic. "Oh my God it's the fag." Azrial felt a hand grab their own as Emily yanked Azrial up. "What the fuck? I just want to eat." "Shut up bitch." Emily slapped Azrial harshly across the face, and everyone froze. Sapphire just stared at Emily, Spencer looked between the two girls, and Azrial held her face. The silence was broken by Azrial laughing.

Emily's nose was broken, arm dislocated, fork marks on her hand. Azrial had scratches on her face, and was actually expelled. 'Immense violence' they said. Spencer felt awful, considering he hadn't helped them. Azrial promised they didn't want him getting in trouble, and that this wasn't uncommon for them. They were currently on a facetime actually, while he was in math class.

"Spencer, if you whisper an apology one more time I'm going to scream."

"Sorry." Yes he did that on purpose.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Spencer hung up on accident as half the class heard Azrial's scream. A few kids started snickering causing Spencer to turn red. His phone pinged repeatedly and he put it on silent as the teacher lectured everyone. He quickly sent a 'panic hangup' text and called them back. It's not like he's actually paying attention, he just needs to get through senior year and that's it for school. It's California, what are they gonna do? Azrial picked up after the second ring and sighed.

"I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't, half the class heard it though."


The two actually just vibed quietly, music playing from Azrial's side.

Eventually Spencer was allowed out of school, Azrial had already explained what happened to his mother. Who was fussing over the poor kid. They also told their mother, who just said 'Don't die' which is understandable.

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