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"We're on our way. I promise."

Jungkook is on the phone with his manager while waiting for Jimin to come out of the bathroom.

"We shouldn't have agreed to let you rent a car. You two said you'd be right behind us. Kook, weren't you complaining about how much you wanted to be home and away from Jimin this whole promotion? Why are you drawing this out further?" Yoongi asks, his irritation loud and clear through the phone.

Jungkook sees Jimin and he glares at him. "He wants to go to the bathroom and he can't hold it anymore. But we're going to leave right now, I promise."

"Keep an eye on him. You saw how faint he was after your performance. Hobi says to be nice."

"I'm trying to be nice and patient, Yoongi."

Yoongi exhales. "Just... I know you don't like him, but he's been nothing but kind this whole time. Your time together is almost over. The drama will be released soon. Back this Christmas will bring in a bunch of new listeners since you two did the entire soundtrack. This was a good collaboration."

Jungkook sighs as he opens the door of his car as he waits for Jimin to get in first. "I am still embarrassed, Yoongi. You don't know what I'm feeling right now."

"That was six years ago. You were just sixteen. Things are different now. You recorded two songs together and had shared stages."

"For you it was six years ago. He shouldn't have done that even if I'm just sixteen at that time. It haunts me, and I am upset." Jungkook finally gets inside. "I'm going to end the call. I'm going to drive. Bye."

Jungkook puts back his phone in his pocket as he starts the car and he turns on the radio. "We're going now, I hope you didn't forget anything."

Jimin hums. "I got all of my luggage in the trunk. Sorry it took so long. I was on the phone with my dad. It was important and private. I'm sorry."

Jungkook just continues to drive.

"Soooo..." Jimin fiddles with the ends of his blond hair, "I liked recording with you. Our voices sounded nice together. I'm a little sad promotions are over."

"Thanks, but we're different. I'm happy that promotions are over."

He looks at his lap. "Are you going to watch Back this Christmas?"

"I'll probably watch it with Bam. I got hooked on the trailer."

"I'm glad they got queer artists for a BL's OST." Jimin looks at Jungkook's side profile.

"I'm glad too."

"That scar on your cheek, how did it happen?" Jimin asks softly. "It's usually covered up with makeup."

"I had a fight with my brother a long time ago. That's why I got that scar."

Jimin smiles. "It's cute."

Jungkook scoffs. "What's cute about it?"

Jimin shrinks in his seat and apologizes quietly.

"Attention: there is a major snowstorm approaching. We urge everyone to take shelter immediately."

An announcement blares instead of music, repeating itself every few seconds.

"What the hell? We can't leave..." Jungkook curses.

"Can we stop?" Jimin asks.

"What? You should've gone to the bathroom before we left." Jungkook irritatingly says.

Jimin closes his eyes. "Jungkook, please..."

Jungkook looks at him, and he looks so pale. He immediately pulls over and he unbuckles his seatbelt. "What's wrong?"

He runs out of the car and throws up in the bushes, heaving.

Jungkook gets out of the car and he follows him bringing a water bottle with him, gently rubbing his back and he hands him the water and tissue. "Here."

"I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm sorry." He accepts the tissue and water.

Yoongi and Hoseok call Jungkook in a group call.

Jungkook answers it. "I'm afraid we can't make it because of the snowstorm."

"That's what we were calling about. We can't fly. You two need to find someplace to stay." Yoongi explains.

"We need you two to be safe." Hoseok adds.

Jungkook scoffs. "How can we find a place at the last minute during holidays? I can't find anything—"

Jimin points at a sign. "There's a bed and breakfast nearby. Would that work?"

Jungkook looks at it. "Fine. It's better than nothing."

"Go check it out and keep us up to date. We'll contact the companies about what's going on."

Jungkook nods. "Okay."

"Should we get going?" Jimin asks and pops a mint in his mouth before offering Jungkook one.

"We should. And thank you, but reserve it for yourself. You needed it the most." He walks out first.

They get into the car and drive towards the small house. Jimin looks around with a smile, taking in the natural views and privacy.

Jungkook looks around and to him this place looks cozy and comfortable to stay on, and suddenly a couple approaches them.

"Hello, are you two here to stay?" A man with broad shoulders asks. "My name is Jin."

"I'm Jimin. Do you speak Korean?" He asks slowly.

"We do. If that's what you two prefer, that's what we'll do." The other man offers a dimpled smile. "My name is Kim Namjoon. We're married. This place is perfect for couples."

"We're not a couple. I'm Jungkook."

"Nice to meet you two. Luckily, the room we have for guests is empty. There's only one bed though." Jin scratches the back of his neck.

"How big is that bed?"

"A queen." Namjoon responds.

Jimin nods. "That should work."

"Is the room big? Can you show us?"

"We can do that." Jin says and leads the way to a bedroom off the living room. It isn't as big as the hotel room they were just in. There's a bed, two bedside tables, a desk with a chair, a television, and a fireplace. There's an en suite bathroom, but otherwise, the bedroom is simple.

Jungkook doesn't like how small the room is and how the bed is just one, but there's a snowstorm and he can't be whiny anymore.

I hope the storm will be over soon.

Snowed In | Jikook ✓Where stories live. Discover now