Break Free

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==POV: Yang==
Yeah, orphaned at three. Mine and my twin sister Yin’s older brother Wuji was only seven, but he remembers it more vividly than either of us. I think Yin remembers too, but she doesn’t tell either of us. Wuji blames her, because she was the one who, apparently, “just had to pick Nyx up“ when Cassalina threatened to kill our parents if any of us moved even an inch. Wuji never shuts up about that day. He’s always asking her if she remembers their voices, or just their screams as Cassalina killed them in the worst ways she could think of.
Eventually I reach the gang again, holding the box of knives with Lance trying to chew my ear off. For some reason, Nikotus is holding a box with a camera in it. (Don’t ask me, ask him.)
“Want some help with that ghoul?“
“Hm? No, Lance is… Fine.“ I tug her off my ear and stick her in my bandolier.
“If you say so. Well, dusk is setting in. Want to stop that Blakk attack? We might get a few more Elementals while we’re at it.“ Briar and Hydro chirp in his bandolier, and Morningstar, Pendulum and Eclipse wave back. “Where is the raid, anyway?“
“Uhm… It’s at a small village in the Central Caverns. My family are their protectors, it’s only right–“
Nikotus nods sagely and drags me out of the mall to our mechas. The others are there waiting. Leo is sitting huffily on his bull’s head.
“We gonna leave yet, or what?“ I climb onto my black lion and rev the engine, pointing it in the direction of Shizukana Village.

==Days Passed: 4/7==
When we arrive, dawn is just breaking through the cavern roof, turning the lighting to a soft peach, contrasting greatly to the black and red hyena mechas that tramp into the cavern. A dragon model with four spiny legs walks close to the leader, and although I've never seen its rider, she looks enough like her mother for me to know who she is.
Brown hair pulled into a ponytail frames her face, and her eyes gleam with malice. She wears a shoulderless purple tee, with a bandolier covered with ghouls. On her shoulder sits a growling Nightgeist slug, and twisting, dark horns stem from her head. On another mecha sits the woman I know from my childhood, her ghouls now Megamorphed and ready to end the people in this cavern the way she ended my parents. With a pop, Yin appears next to us, her long black Shadow Clan ears poking out of her short hair that’s tied in pigtails. Like my hair, it’s black, except hers has little green blobs in it.
“That woman won’t see the exit of this cavern. I’ll make sure of it.“ Yin growled at Cassalina, as Nyx, her Negashade and signature slug (since the Central Caverns’ Infurnus ran away ages ago) hops into one of her specialised slug arrows. “She’ll pay.“ Allison's brow furrows.
“Pay for what? Do your parents have a conflict with her?“ Yin shrugs.
“Close enough. Back when we had parents.“ She nocks Nyx’s arrow to her bow, fires her, and while the Negashade fogs up the mecha horde, she fires a Sand Mangler into the mix. Scorpius burrows into the ground, then comes up in the centre of the group, spraying dirt everywhere and turning the soil around them to quicksand. Wuji comes out of the house behind us, the morning sun catching on the turquoise streaks in his short black hair.
He loads up his Dark Urchin, Spiky, and aims at the huge cluster of fog and sand. He whips his long tail aggressively, but Spiky, being used to being fired by a Shadow Clan tail, doesn’t even flinch. Lucky them, getting all the Shadow energy while I got teleportation and the blue streaks in my hair. Suddenly, something none of us were expecting until after the battle; on the off chance that our squad of twelve lost.
They did a good job concealing their wrecking ball.
A Darkfurnus flies into the air, a figure I know so well seated on its back, silhouetted against the bright Cavern-light.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again, Amon. Surprises sure are nice, aren’t they?“

==POV: Ryuno==
This is fucking stupid. I can feel the presence of healer slugs, and the toasty, widespread energy of Lyth is giving me enough power to stand up and put my thoughts in the right order. The Goon has been keeping me updated; how we just now have burned down the house that the Amon children were hiding in. I piece together the thoughts I’m allowed to have; I’m a Shane, he’s got control over me, I’m part something but I don’t know what, he even lets me plan escapes. And the thoughts that let me know what the fuck I’m doing here.
But why should I be a prisoner in my own mind?

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