Chapter 1 - Sophie

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My stomach gave a familiar little flip the moment I caught sight of him.  Even after nearly two years of dating, Keefe Sencen could still cause me to react like everything I felt for him was fresh and brand new.

Conflicts in our schedules meant we would need to arrive to the celebration concert separately. Then Edaline had needed my help with an especially naughty group of escaped gremlins, so now I was running behind, too. Making a late, solo entrance wasn't at the top of my 'fun things to do' list, but it did give me the rare opportunity to spot Keefe from across a room and study him without interruption or embarrassment. 

I paused in the dimly lit hallway, letting my eyes travel over his handsome figure, wondering if he'd put in a little extra effort that evening. Keefe was always recklessly handsome, but tonight everything about him was tailored to perfection. His gray tunic was fitted, enhancing his broad shoulders and chest. The navy cape he'd chosen for the evening seemed to make him look even taller, and the color would definitely flatter his ice blue eyes. His hair, always perfectly mussed, was slightly longer than he usually wore it and I watched as he distractedly pushed it off of his forehead. 

He held the attention of the small group surrounding him; a mix of emissaries and counselors who were clearly enjoying whatever story he was telling. His audience broke into laughter at something he said, and my heart swelled. After all he had been through - the torment of a terrible, manipulative mother and a cold, distant father, countless brutal battles with the Neverseen, and a complex set of unknown and untested powers to master - Keefe had emerged from his personal trials a strong, fearless leader. Kind hearted and intelligent, and able to bring humor to almost any situation. Not to mention the most supportive and amazing boyfriend...

"Like what you see?" The voice in my ear made me jump. Spinning, I was relieved to find my best friend, Dex. His impish grin confirmed that he'd caught me shamelessly checking out my boyfriend.

So much for staring without embarrassment. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "I can't help it. Just look at him."

Dex smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. We all know how much you love to stare at HunkyHair. The question is, are you planning to do it all night, or are you ready to get the evening started?"

He offered me his arm, and I took it gratefully. "Thank you, Dex." I pointed to the long, winding staircase we would need to descend. "Probably best if I have someone to keep me from falling down that thing."

He laughed, flashing his dimples, and I felt a warm burst of affection for him. Of all my friendships, I was most grateful for his.

We paused at the top of the stairs and I glanced down at the glittering sea of people and crystals below. It was impressive, even by elven standards. "Wow. The council went all out!"

"They did." Dex agreed. "It looks amazing."

"Oh, look, there's Biana!" I waved to get her attention, and couldn't help noticing how Dex's cheeks flushed pink at the sight of the dark haired beauty.

He shifted his gaze and spoke before I could tease him. "Don't look now, but I think it's Keefe's turn to check you out."

My eyes returned to where Keefe had been standing. Sure enough, he was staring at me; a huge smile spread over his face. When our eyes met, he mouthed the word 'Wow.' and the open admiration in his gaze made my stomach twist again.

His eyes never left mine as he crossed the room, meeting us as we reached the bottom of the staircase. "You. Are. Stunning." he whispered, reaching for my hands and holding me at arms length.

The butterflies in my stomach had definitely multiplied. "Thank you." I told him. In the distance I could hear Dex excusing himself, probably to find Biana.

Keefe's smile softened as he took in my pale pink gown. The fitted bodice left my shoulders and upper back bare before gathering at my waist and cascading into ombré layers of chiffon  that brushed the floor. "Seriously Sophie. You look..." he shook his head, his words trailing off as he met my eyes. His voice was soft as he finished, "perfect."

I blushed, soaking up the genuineness of his compliment. The color and style were a big departure from what I typically wore to formal events. I'd even pulled my hair into a soft upsweep for the occasion. I had questioned all of it, but Vertina had been insistent. Keefe's reaction made me grateful for the spectral mirror's advice.  Maybe something different every now and then was okay.

"You look very handsome." I told him, and his charming, crooked grin was my reward. "Dex may have caught me staring at you a few minutes ago." I admitted with a laugh.

He tucked a loose tendril behind my ear, the softness of his touch sending sparks down my spine. "Happy to know I can still make an impression." he murmured.

Our eyes held for another beat of time before Keefe seemed to remember where we were standing. He took my hand and led the way to a table where a few of our friends had gathered.  Just before reaching the group, he paused and leaned in, his lips grazing my ear as he whispered, "Let's sneak away as soon as we can."

I gave him a knowing look. Keefe was always fun in a crowd, but time alone with him - when we could simply relax and enjoy each other's company - those were the moments I craved. More and more we both seemed to feel the need to escape the prying eyes of friends, family, and even - I glanced around to find the gaze of several counselors fixed upon us - the adults we worked with. There always seemed to be someone around, quick to flash a sappy smile or ask questions we weren't quite ready to answer.

So I gave his hand a squeeze and whispered, "Absolutely."

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