a special little magic show

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Claps filled the room after another amazing trick by the famous magician, some begin questioning if he's a real wizard after every show but Lisseth doubts that.

She wasn't at all amazed by his tricks tonight, and could already seen how they were built behind the scenes.

"For my next trick, called The accipiens donum maternitatis! I will need a volunteer... someone who doesn't quite believe in such things as magic." Lisseth looked around and it seemed that no one was ready to admit that they weren't believers and still volunteer to be part of such.

"You. Are you a believer? If not... why won't you come up here. I'll make you believe. I'll make you plenty of things."

Gasps followed that word, eyes turning to one woman. Lisseth.

She had no choice but to do as told, declining would be quite embarrassing in front of hundreds. and so she did just that and climbed the steps. All while the guy brought a metal surgical like table to the middle of the stage and directed her to lay down.

But it was so cold to the touch, a shiver went down her spine... followed by a cold feeling in her body. She couldn't place what it was.

Once settled on the table she looked up at the ceiling, awaiting his next move. When he came close enough for her to see him in that position, he whispered loud enough for her to hear but not for the crowd. "Are you ready to be a mother? Heavy young will fill your womb to the brim soon enough don't you worry."

"Wait- what?!? No! No! Let me go!" Suddenly chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles and she was unable to move. A wave of fear rushed through Lisseth and the words repeating in her head.

The magician's palm was now hovering around her now lower exposed abdomen, he was speaking to crowd and was drawing everyone's attention so he could build up for the big moments. He started chanting those same words he said earlier and the more he did, the more pressure Lisseth seemed to feel in her gut.

"Accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis, accipiens donum maternitatis..."

she felt her eyes starting to get heavy from sleepiness. And the pressure kept growing, her eyes fell closed completely and Lisseth passed out.

Once she did, the guy took off the chains, now sure that she won't resist and took off her clothes. All while continuesly chanting the spell.

A small paunch lay on her belly, looking as if she had over eaten.

Running liquid could be heard and her B cup breast gradually expanded becoming plumper from the milk. Beginning to fill them, the magician watched in awe, as magic took place over his very eyes, a miracle, The small paunch was growing more tight and starting to rise up.

Inches swelling and becoming a taut rounded shape, a bulge as it began to take up more space. Higher and higher it soared forming into a clear baby up for all the crowd to see.

The beginning dome shape of her three month swell and her sides distending outwards. From the amniotic fluid filling it, and the baby pushing the warm skin up.

To make more room, in her fertile womb and a faint rumbling sounded from her incoming baby orb. She was filling up with both milk and juices to hold her young. Breast inflated a little more and her areola darkened in response.

Body trying to catch up with the filling babe resting and rapidly developing her nipples. Poked out more and her tits reached a clear C cup, sagging downwards to meet with her baby filling womb.

Accipiens donum maternitatisWhere stories live. Discover now