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I'm back bishes and creams!!

For: 4.4k reads🎉 and all of you my flowers💐


Yoongi woke up to the sound of his alarm clock blaring and he groggily stretched his hand to his bedside table and pressing the small dial on the device turning the alarm off.

He winces when he feels the sunlight peeking through the curtains hit his eyes before he slowly sat up and stared into space for a while to help himself get up and start his day.

Since today was on a Sunday he would only open shop for half the day until around 12 o'clock and then he could call it a day and spend the rest of it with Taehyung and his adorable little girl.

He dragged himself out of bed, yawning as he walked to the bathroom for a quick shower before wrapping a towel around himself and walking to his wardrobe and drawing out a grey shirt and some black sweatpants.

Yoongi then walked out of his room heading into Yoonji's room.

-"baby? Wake up for momma"- he says as he softly pat her back causing the little girl to turn in her sleep to lay on her back before her eyes fluttered open.


-"yes baby? It's time to wake up. Let's go wake uncle Tae-Tae"- he says as he helps Yoonji out of bed headed towards the guest room where Taehyung was sleeping in.

After knocking Yoongi twisted the door knob open and letting them into the dim room, Yoonji ran into the room with a -"uncle Tae-Tae! Wake up!!"- before climbing onto Taehyung's sleeping figure and patting him awake.

Taehyung groans in response.

-"uncle Tae-Tae wake up!!"-

-"okay okay I'm up"- Taehyung says before shifting a bit as Yoonji got off his back to allow him to sit up against the bed's headboard, groaning.

-"good morning Tae"- Yoongi greets and Taehyung yawns before replying with a groggy ,-"good morning hyung and Yoonie"-

-"we have work in a few so let's go have breakfast yeah?"-

-"of course hyung. Give me a minute to dress up then i'll join you"- Taehyung says and Yoongi scoffs, the younger still slept naked even after all these years.

-"okay. Let's go baby"- Yoongi says as he beckons Yoonji to him before taking her hand in his and then walking out of the room.

-"don't take too long though"- Yoongi says before shutting the door behind them to allow Taehyung some privacy.

-"what do you want to have for breakfast baby girl?"- Yoongi asks as soon as they are in their kitchen.

-"pancakes pwease"-

-"sure baby"-

-"can i help, momma?"- Yoonji asks with puppy eyes and pouty lips knowing very well that her mother was weak to them but instead of getting a 'yes', Yoongi replied with a sweet 'no'.

-"we are going to be late to work if we make them together baby, but i'll let you help me make something when we are back home. Okay, baby?"-

-"okay momma"-

-"well then, I'll start with the pancakes"- Yoongi says as he cards through the cabinets for pancake mix before he could make breakfast.

A short while later he was done with making pancakes, stacking them up before he served two to Yoonji after cutting them up into smaller bite-sized pieces and dribbling syrup on them.

daddy issues; sope ✓Where stories live. Discover now