thirty-one: epilogue

348 16 3

bishes and creams,.....

this is it.

For: 11k reads✨🎉🎉 and all of you, my lovely flowers.


Everyone was doing the finishing touches of their outfits and make up including Yoongi who was seated in front of a mirror while an attendant dabbed some blush on his cheeks.

-"we have fifteen minutes everyone. Time to finish up"- someone says and the room that was bustling with activity got even more frantic as people rushed across the room to get Yoongi and Taehyung ready.

-"I think we are done, and just on time"- a make-up artist says as she closes the makeup pallette in his hand and places it into her bag.

-"you look so pretty, hyung...I'm sure Hoseok will fall in love with you, all over again when he sees you"- Taehyung says and Yoongi blushes softly

-"thank you, Taehyung. You look very handsome as well"- Yoongi says as he rises from his seat and smooths his hands over Taehyung's black suit.

-"if we are all set, then I think we can leave"-

With that, the bridal party leaves Taehyung's house , where they had been getting ready at, and boarded the flower-decorated limousine that had been parked outside before they started the journey to the garden where the ceremony was going to be held at.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel his nerves getting tangled up with each other.

It was his wedding day after all so he was bound to be nervous but he couldn't help but think of Hoseok.

Was he as nervous as himself too?

The luxurious car they were in entered the wedding grounds before parking on the side where other cars(belonging to the people invited to the wedding) were.

"Are you ready, hyung?" Taehyung asks and Yoongi inhales before exhaling deeply.

"As ready as i will ever be", he says

"Don't be so nervous about it. You and Hoseok hyung have been married since forever, you're only making it official" Taehyung says, rubbing Yoongi's back comfortingly.

"Let's go, then" Yoongi says


Soft music played as Yoongi, Yoonji and Taehyung walked down the red carpet which had assorted white flowers aligned along it with Yoonji in front as the flower girl decorating the carpet with flower petals as Taehyung walked behind Yoongi, holding the tail of his wedding dress who had a white bouquet in his hands.

Yoongi was beautiful, but he looked even prettier especially now, in white with flushed cheeks both from the blush he had been dabbed with as part of his light makeup and from shyness at all the attention on him and a smile stretching his lips.

He walked down the aisle before meeting Hoseok at the altar in his pressed back three piece suit, hair slicked back to expose his forehead and hands clutched at his front, a heart-shaped smile on his lips

"He's all yours", Taehyung says as he handed Yoongi to Hoseok

"Thank you", Hoseok says, his smile widening as he takes Yoongi's hand in his.

"We are gathered here today as witnesses to the holy union of our beloved brothers, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok...." the priest began and the couple smiles at each other

"Now, Min Yoongi, do you take Jung Hoseok as your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, forever together?" he asks and there followed silence in the garden grounds as the wedding guests waited for Yoongi's answer

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