Part 2

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A noise is heard outside your balcony window which makes you snap your head in the direction. A hand is place of the ledge and Paul's body climbs over onto the balcony. For a moment you freeze and your heart skips a beat, you hadn't seen him since that night. His eyes were bloodshot red and a few tears stained his cheeks.
"(Y/N)." He says moving over to you and sitting on the bed with you, "we need to talk."
"Talk about what Paul? We're done, over. There's nothing to talk about." You shake your head refusing to look up from your computer now. It's taken from your grip and settled on the floor next to your bed, and he takes you chin with two fingers and makes you look at him face.
"Tell me (Y/N), are you in pain?" He asks and I have to get away from being so close.
"No, I'm fine. Exceptionally happy." You fake a smile and get up from your bed.
"Why do you lie to me baby?" Paul's swift actions to stand in front of you surprises you, as if he already knew what was gonna happen.
"Wh-what do you want from me Paul?" You don't mean to stutter, but the way his fingers slide on your skin leaves a lingering feeling.
"I want you princess, all of you" his face leans in close to yours and he presses his lips gently on yours. His hands snake around your waist and he pulls you in as close as you can get to his body. Your hands slide up his arms slowly as your lips move together. You jump backwards at the sound of your best friend knocking on your door and without looking at Paul you move to the door and open it slightly, blocking any view of Paul whatsoever.
"I'm not going, please just leave me alone. I'm not feeling right." Her faces drops and she sighs.
"You need to get over him somehow, (Y/N)"
"Maybe one day, but not today."

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