🧡Chapter 2: What happening to me?! 🧡

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Bakugo's pov:

I woke up because of my stupid alarm clock. Everyday I feel like shit. I did my original morning routine, I left my dorm and when I was on my way to class I felt something bang on my head. Might be the worst headache I have ever had. I went inside my classroom, not saying a word. My class was kinda worried about me because I was silent. My class does sometimes ignore me but I don't really mind. When we were training, while I was stretching my head started to bang even more now. I put my hand on head then I started feeling something weird happening on my eye. I felt like one of my eyes we're gonna go blind. "Mr.Aizawa can I go to the restroom?" I asked raising my hand. "Yeah sure, just hurry up alright." Mr. Aizawa answered. I left to go to the bathroom. When I went to the bathroom I looked at the mirror and saw that my eye was purple. I started to freak out about my eye. I started rubbing my eyes to see if I was just dreaming. After a few eye rubs my left eye finally turns red again.

"What the hell... " I asked myself. I put water on my face and left the bathroom. I went back to training and few hours later, it was lunch time. I didn't want to eat so I didn't get anything. I sat with my squad as always. But I kept feeling a pain in my head. It hurts so bad that I start hissing in pain. "Baku-Bro. Is there something wrong?" Kirishima asked. "I'm just fine" I said still hissing in pain. My head feels like it's on fire, I don't know why but I kinda started to tear up a little. But I didn't cry. "Bakugo, you sure you are ok?" Jirou asked. "I'm fine, it's just a headache." I said. "Sounds like a really bad one." Denki said. "Maybe you should go to the nurse." Mina says. "I'm fine alright, stop asking me." I said. The Bakusquad looks at me for a few seconds then turns back to talk to each other. I got up from my table and went to my dorm.

The headache was so bad. I went to the bathroom and I looked  at the mirror, I saw my purple eye appearing again. My hands were on the sink, my hands start showing purple flames. I freaked out. "This isn't my quirk." I said to myself. My head starts hurting even more. I then got so dizzy. So dizzy that I closed my eyes and I felt a hard slam from my back and the back of my head. When I opened my eye's, turns out I was in the nurse, and the recovery girl was writing on her clipboard, and surprisingly... Icy-hot was there.

Todroki's POV:

I saw Bakugo leaving his table in pain. I did here he had a massive headache. I started to get worried. I wanted to see what was wrong with him so I followed him. He went into his dorm and when he was inside I was in front of his dorms door. I started to wonder what will happen if I knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock*

"Bakugo? Are you ok? You have been worrying your friends and me. How is your headache."

No answer.

I wanted to enter but I am wondering why he didn't answer me. So I opened his door quietly and slowly. He wasn't in his room so I went to his bathroom to see what happened to him. I knocked in his bathroom door and said "Bakugo?" Why wasn't he answering me?

I  slowly opened the bathroom door, and I saw Bakugo on the ground on conscious. "Bakugo!!!" I screamed. I went down to my knees, close to him. I lift his head up and lifted his back. I got up from my knees, carrying Bakugo, then left the dorm. I went to the recovery girl. I told her that Bakugo was found in the ground on conscious. The recovery girl put him on the bed. And I was pasting around, I had a lot of things about Bakugo in my mind. "Sir, you could go to your next class now." said the recovery girl. "I can't, I was worried about him before. I didn't know it would go this far." I said. The recovery girl nodded, guess she understood me. The recovery girl goes to the phone and calls Mr. Aizawa. All I heard was that Bakugo was on conscious and I might not be going to the next class. Class was getting boring, so I had to have a reason to get out of there. I heard heavy breathing from Bakugo and some moans in pain and hissing. I went up to him and rubbed his arm to calm him down from the pain he was in. "Mmmmmmmmmmm..." I heard from Bakugo. I was wondering if he was just sick but he has been hiding it.

No one's POV:

Bakugo opened his eyes and sees Todorki holding his arm and the recovery girl on her clipboard. Todroki was glad that Bakugo was ok. But Todroki noticed something wrong with Bakugo. He sees that his eye is purple. "Bakugo... " Todroki says. "How long was I out for?" Bakugo asked rubbing his head. "Not long... but Bakugo... " said Todroki. "Your left eye, it's purple... " said Todroki. Bakugo was shocked. He covers his left eye. He remembers that his eye was purple the last time he went to the bathroom during training. "Todorki... what's happening to me... " said Bakugo in a worried tone. Todroki was shocked hear him like that. That made Todroki even more worried. He has never heard bakugo like that in his life. The recovery girl comes up to both of them to ask Bakugo questions. "Bakugo are you feeling ok?" she asked. Bakugo shakes his head no. He was still having a headache, so that made his headache worst.

"Bakugo what happened, how did you faint?" the recovery girl asked. "I-I-I felt d-dizzy. It hurt my head so bad. Then when my hand was on the sink... my hands started to become purple flames." said Bakugo. "Purple flames?! Does he have another quirk?!" Todroki asked himself. "Do you have another quirk Bakugo?!" Todroki asked.

Bakugo shakes his head no. The recovery girl was concerned. Bakugo only had 1 quirk, but he magically gets another quirk?! Bakugo was really worried and concerned about himself, he started tearing up. "Is something wrong with me?!" Bakugo asked. His tears were light blue to purple. That made everything more strange. Bakugo started crying in fear and his eyes turn fully purple.

"Todroki, try to calm Bakugo down!!" the recovery girl said.

Todroki starts rubbing Bakugo's back and hugged him. "Bakugo calm down, you will be fine! Breath in and out." said Todroki. The recovery girl starts going to the phone to call Mr. Aizawa. She tells Mr. Aizawa everything she knew that was happening to Bakugo and told him to come and see for himself. When Mr. Aizawa finally arrived, he saw Bakugo crying and Todroki holding him. Mr. Aizawa can see Bakugo's eyes.

"What is wrong with Bakugo?!" Mr. Aizawa yelled, in concern. "We aren't sure." the recovery girl said.

"This isn't Bakugo's quirk. So we aren't sure what is wrong with Bakugo." Mr. Aizawa was so confused about what was happening. "Does he have a second quirk?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "Negative." the recovery girl says. Bakugo finally calmed down but Bakugo does kinda look dead. His eyes were still fully purple. And his headache was gone, instead that pain went into a bodyache. They bodyache hurt him so his body started twitching. "Calm down Bakugo. Everything is fine." said Todroki.

"I feel like we should contact Bakugo's parents." said the recovery girl. "I feel like it's a good idea we know what is happening to Bakugo before we contact his parents." Mr. Aizawa says.

"But Mr. Aizawa, they might know what is happening to him." the recovery girl said.

Mr. Aizawa shook his head no. "For him and their safety, I think it's better that we investigate what is happening to him." Mr. Aizawa says. "Endeavor's son!" Todroki instantly looks at Mr. Aizawa. "Take care of Bakugo for now on."  he said. Todroki nods his head ok and looks back at Bakugo.

Bakugo's POV:

What's happening to me...

Hope y'all enjoyed this Chapter. My fingers hurt right now.

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