ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1: ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʀʀɪᴠᴀʟ

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Bright rays of sunshine shone through my window, letting me know that it was morning. 'Time for me to get up.' I mumbled to myself, sighing heavily as threw my AOT comforter off of me. I slowly slid out of bed, still sore from my intense workout that I did yesterday. I had decided to try it out on myself before giving it to my soldiers to do, and it came to bite me in the butt. Eventually, my feet touched the cold wooden floor, earning a violent shiver from my body. I stayed there, practically dazed as I sat on the edge of my bed, contemplating on whether or not I should get up. Then it hit me, I had to get up.

The contractual KorTac soldiers would be arriving today, and the Captain, Ms. Laswell, had assigned me new soldiers to add to my current team. I still had to get everything in place for them, and not luckily for me, I had left the list Laswell had given me, which contained the briefs for the soldiers that were being added to my team, right on my desk. In my haste of rushing to get home, I had practically dropped what I was doing, in return for some shut eye. I turned to glance at my alarm clock, it was 7:05 AM. I nearly shat myself, as the new soldiers were supposed to arrive at 9:00 AM sharp. I didn't even have enough time to change out of my old clothes (I went to sleep in my uniform).

I immediately darted out of bed, and half-limped over to my bathroom, spritzing on some perfume, and hastily brushing my teeth. I combed out my short hair, deciding to try, and style comb coils in it. It ended up not working out as my hair refused to cooperate. Frustrated, I gave up, and stumbled out of my bathroom, checking the time once more, 7:23 AM. Eventually, after a nice struggle, I made my way into Headquarters a whole hour late. I despised being late, especially without a good reason to be. So when I entered the building's doors at 8:15 AM, everyone's head turned in surprise. In both the office, and in the field, it didn't matter. I was an expert in both, and I was never, ever late to anything.

Aside from always being punctual, and stone faced most of the time, I never took kindly to foolishness, and I always made sure to steer clear of drama. That, as well as other things has let me lead my team to countless victories, with few to 0 casualties. I was the stuff that most people on this damn base hated. "The wicked witch who never had any fun" is what they called me. So as to say, the shocked looks on the other office workers faces was expected. As I got in the elevator, and made my way up to my office. I would occasionally mouth a 'Good morning' to passerby's.

When I got there, I unlocked the door, and swung it open, letting myself in, before closing it back with my foot. I made my way over to my desk, and sat down, picking up the list that I had abandoned there the night before. I read through it, memorizing as many names as I could. I scimmed over each solider's brief, and took heed to studying each one's strengths, and weaknesses. When I finished, I reclined back into my chair, and let out a pleased hum. I seemed to have a good selection on my hands, which made the tenseness in my shoulders ease just a tad bit. There had been several times where 141 had- had new contractual recruits, and I was given the worst of the worst to deal with. Sometimes, I wasn't even given any to add to my team at all. 'Guess this time I got lucky.' I thought to myself.

As I finished looking through the other thick stacks of paperwork that cluttered my desk, I noticed the time, 8:45 AM. I sighed and pushed myself up from my chair, my palms holding me steady as I stood up. 'Guess I should head down there; I don't want to take a chance, and end up late, again.' I thought to myself, before grabbing my phone, and a pair of headphones that were just laying around. I made my way back around my desk, and I trudged over to my door. Letting myself out, I paused to lock it behind me, before continuing down the hall to the elevator, and taking it down to the lobby.

  Upon exiting the elevator, I wasn't met with pure loudness, as the lobby was quiet for the most part. It wasn't crowded either. Aside from a few of the other lieutenants who had decided to get there early as well, the lobby was quite empty. Amidst the small group of people, I instantly recognized 2 people. It was Simon, and his little sidekick Soap. 'Well, isn't that just great'. I thought to myself, rolling my eyes as I silently made my way past them, and muttered an near silent 'Morning' in their direction. As I looked around for a seat, I spotted a love chair in the back of the room, and made my way over to it. I plopped down on it, put my headphones in, and slowly dozed off.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦 & 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵Where stories live. Discover now