prologue : New friend , new world

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CHAPTER ONE :( episode one ; none )

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( episode one ; none )

- warning : none



{ 2 years ago}

Today is my first day to my job . I was looking for a new job for the summer and I found it at the dino cafe of the museum. " Why do you have to go ?" My mom asked, fixing my clothes. " Mom, I am going to be fine " I laughed softly. " I know you will . You are a big girl" she fixed my hair like she did when I was young.  " Thank you , where is my motorcycle ?" I asked her and she pointed at the garden. " There " I sat and got ready. " Thanks " I kissed her cheek.


You forgot your necklace" she stopped me from leaving. " What!? " i said in panic and immediately looked if i have my energem in my necklace and i had it . " You scared me " I chuckled as I calmed down mow that I had it. " Why do you care about that necklace?"

" You know why" I said looking at her. " I know it just.. you always care it with you " she explained as I chuckled at her words and her worry. " Because i love it , you are jealous? " I looked at her smiling. " A little " she smiled back. " Mom ! I will always love you , you are my mother "  she sighed. " Okay okay. I got it "

" So where are you going again ;" she changed the subject and I went with it. " Dinosaur museum. " I'm answer as I put my bag to the motorcycle " you have any friends there?" I laughed as I knew she wanted to know about boyfriend and not actually friends. " Actually yes my boss " I joked with her. " What?" She asked confused. "I am kidding. How do you expect me to do friends ? I only went one time for the interview "

" Okay , I hope you make more friends " I started riding. " Why not but now i have to go " I rode out of the garden. " Watch the road! " She shouted with care in her voice. "Okay!"


After a lot of hours I finally got the museum. I looked around for some minutes and immediately went inside, trying to find the DINO BITE CAFE but i couldn't. I saw a guy and I decide to ask him where the Cafe is . " I am sorry i am looking for the dino bite cafe " I asked politely. " There it is " he point his hand to a sign a little further. " Thank you " i said and start walking to the direction he told me . " No problem" I heard him saying

When i went inside the cafe a girl fell on me . I think she works here , she dropped the thing she was holding on me and unfortunately it was sandwiches. " Shelby!" I heart another woman and turned around to see. " Ms Morgan" the girl said a bit scared. " What did you do to her !?" She asked but I cut her. " It's okay. I am fine actually i was looking for Miss Morgan." I smiled friendly. " I am Miss Morgan. I am sorry about the accident . Shelby go to work. " She said.

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