chapter 4

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CHAPTER FOUR :( episode ; A Fool's Hour )

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( episode ; A Fool's Hour )

- warning : none


Grace pov

Me and Tyler just finished our shift to the DINO CAFE . Today I had a break from work but Miss Morgan wanted me to saw him the basics so I helped a little. Me , Tyler and Miss Morgan walked inside the base.
Me and Tyler left our energems to rest and start walking to Chase and Shelby.

" You late Shelby" miss Morgan said after he passed us and walked to the middle of the room . " please Chase this is a sterile laboratory not a garage " miss Morgan said after she saw his skateboard on the lab table. Chase take it off of the lab table and put it on the floor.

" Why Tyler and Grace dressed to work in the cafe ? " Shelby asked miss Morgan . " We rangers now , you know . Busy saving the world " she added.
" Sometimes you're busy saving the world and other times you've busy flipping burgers " Miss Morgan said " today is burgers " she added.

" I am sorry Shelby but she is right. That's how you blend in no one will suspect we're rangers " I said and miss Morgan passed a Dino cafe uniform to Shelby and she groaned . Then someone yawned . We all turned and saw Koda get out from the cave

" Someone-say-burgers" Koda said I laughed
" Koda what do you like sleep in that cave ?" Tyler asked him
" Yes! My home "
" Koda found the blue energem a hundred thousand years ago . During the pleistocene era "
" So..You mean.." Shelby try to ask something
" Koda is a caveman ?" Her , Tyler an Riley asked together
" Awesome" Tyler said

" Really he's a hundred thousand years old that's impossible" Riley said as Koda and Tyler went into the cave when Koda is sleeping.
" It isn't" I said
" When he bonded to an energem he stopped aging . None of you will age when you're bonded to an energem"
" So I'll stay eighteen ? " Shelby asked " this job got some great benefits" she added

" And I will always look like this "
" So there's some negatives too " Shelby said and miss Morgan smile .
" She is right , jill hot shot "
" I'll stick to the fact that you called me hot shot "
" Shut up " I said and Riley and Shelby went into the cave where Koda and Tyler are .

Chase pov

" what are you doing? " Grace asked me and walked towards me
" Cleaning my skateboard . You okay ?"
" It's so obvious?"
" Yeah for me . I know you very well , what happened? "
" It just.. today before I started my shift my mom called me "
" And ?"
" When we close the call I was thinking about my real parents.. my real dad " she said and looked the floor

" Your real mom?. That is what it's all about your mom ? Right ?"
" I just wanted a picture of her nothing more "
" You have the book "
" It's just a stupid book and I don't have it . I left it at my home "

" But three years now you always had it in your bag"
" Yeah then I realize that it's waste of time " she said and still not look me ones at my eyes !
" Grace "
" Yeah ?" She looked me.. at my eyes . God !! Those eyes...
" I am sure your mom and your dad love you "
" I don't thing so , they probably are dead "

" Wow not in a good mood , aren't you? "
" I am , I just a little sad . I want to get my mind out of her but I can't " she said and we heard the alarm
" I thing this will help " I said and we run to the map . The others came too .
" Definitely" she said

" Several objects entering the earth's atmosphere" miss Morgan said
" Sledge ? " Koda asked
" We will find out " Grace said " come on " she added . We immediately take our energems and we start running out of the lab .


Grace pov

When we got to the place miss Morgan said we saw Vivixs and two monsters.
" What are you a walking lollipop " ?" Tyler asked one of the heart shaped monster
" It's lovely to meet you two , NOT ! I am Poisandra and this is Wrench . Allow us to introduce the most magnificent, intergalactic bounty hunter in the universe " she said and someone flew and landed next to her . " The one , the only, my future husband. Sledge !! " She added and Sledge started to laught

" This is a joke right ?" He asked her . " You are the rangers who destroy my monster ?" He asked us
" Power rangers!" Shelby corrected .
Then Koda took a deep breath.
" Koda what happened ?"
" Fury up there " he told Tyler

" That's the creature in my dad's journal.. the creature that was chasing my dad "
" What is he doing here ?" I thought out loud
" I don't know but I don't thing is here for good "

" As I was saying you're the troublemakers that stole my energems " he said , bringing my attention to him . Then puff of smoke appeared Infront of us and Keeper walked from it . " Keeper , it's you "
" The energems belong to no one , especially not to you " he said , pointed his finger to Sledge

" My dear old friend you though that blowing up my ship could stop me thing again . I waited in deep space for million of years for a comet to pass I caught it with my electronics and wrote it all the way to earth . But it was worth it because finally I will destroy you and then I'll leave here with the energems ." He said and laugh at the evil way .

" The rangers possess the power of the energems an dthe strength of the ancient dinosaurs if you try to take the energems you will be the one who is destroyed. " Keeper said and walked towards us . Suddenly he disappeared .

" Keeper..." Riley said but I am sure he wanted to scream for help .
" no problem we got this... I guess" Shelby said
" Looks like they're gonna cry " Wrench said , sarcastically.
" Bring it on wicklings " sledge said and they all got into fighting positions .
" Dino change!" Chase said after he took out his dino charge. We all took our and we were ready to morph. We were waiting for Tyler's signal but it never came .

" Tyler " I said trying take his attention
" Tyler !" Shelby shouted and she wake him up
" Look at them ! They can't even morph " sledge shout and all they monsters started to laught.
" Oh please! If you want to know your girlfriend is like a walking Valentine balloon ! " I shout while Tyler was taking his dino charger out of his pocket.
" Sledgy !! you will let her saying this things "
" Ofcourse not " he said and take out his blaster and start shouting us
" Ready ?" Tyler asked
" READY " we said together. Then we pushed the button of our dino chargers . Then we loaded to our dino morpher blasters.

" Yeah! You destroy them !" Poisandra shouted happily.
" Better get your eyes checked! " Tyler yelled while we all coming out of the smoke from the lasers , in our battle modes .




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