Preference #1 How You Meet

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(This is my very first time on Wattpad so i'm still trying to figure everything out, hopefully I will get better and used to all the controls and such and a better writer, anyway, ONWARDS)

(Y/N)- Your name

(Y/H/C)- Your hair color

(Y/E/C)- Your eye color

Tony Stark/Iron Man- Tony slowly stumbled out of the local bar, having had too much to drink, as always. He walked very awkwardly towards his car, almost tripping dozens of times in the process. When his hand touched the silver door of the car, he heard a soft cry coming from the mouth of the woods. It was like the alcohol had washed completely from his system when he heard the soft cry because all of his senses came back to him and he could see straight and not trip with every step he made. He walked cautiously towards the woods, getting ready to fight if needed. The cries became stronger and clearer as he neared a ditch that outlined the dark forest. He slowly looked down into the ditch and was dumbfounded at what he saw. Inside layed a tiny baby that was covered in a few torn and dirty rags, and looked only a few months old. It had (Y/H/C) tufts covering its tiny head. Tony looked around and saw no one that could've left the poor thing there. He cautiously climbed down into the ditch and carefully picked up the little infant. The baby almost immediately stopped crying and opened its tiny eyes, revealing beautiful (Y/E/C) ones. Tony's heart fluttered at the sight and brought the baby close to his chest, supporting its bottom with one hand and one hand on the baby's back. "Who could do this to such a tiny thing huh kid?" The baby only sat quietly and poked at his glowing arc reactor, mesmerized by its soft blue glow. He chuckled and climbed carefully out of the ditch and back to his car. "I cant just leave you at some orphanage, ill take you home ok (Y/N)?" He was suprised at how the name just popped up, but it sounded like it would fit her. He looked down at the baby and she was already curled up, fast asleep. He smiled. "I have a lot of studying to do."

Steve Rogers/Captain America- Walking cautiously around a building, Steve Rogers was looking for a scientist that was reported to have been testing different serums and things on animals and people against their will. There were only a few lights in the place, and the lights that were there only flickered, giving almost no light. He walked cautiously along the halls, looking for any kind of clue that would say where the scientist was. After 10 minutes of walking, he heard a sound that made his heart fall into his stomach. He heard the unmistakable cries of a baby. He felt burning anger for the scientist that was taking babies, but he also felt a newfound determination to find the child and take her away from this prison. He quickly followed the sounds and found the door that he was looking for. After ripping the door from its hinges, he walked into the dark room. The cries had stopped and he looked around the dimly lit room, in hopes of finding the baby. There was rustling in the corner and he followed the noise and found the baby in nothing but a diaper, laying on a cold metal table. Steve felt tears in his eyes as he saw (Y/E/C) eyes staring innocently back at him. He instantly ran to the baby's side and scooped her into his arms. He stared down at the child lovingly, knowing that he would never leave her side, even if that meant keeping it. The baby grabbed one of Steve's fingers and put it in its mouth. He smiled and walked out of the building, naming the baby (Y/N), and talking to her about the life ahead of it.

Bruce Banner/Hulk- Hulk was on a smashing spree through the city. Tony had pushed him a little too far this time, and the city was paying for it. People were running and screaming, trying to find a safe place to hide. Hulk was running through the streets, leaving disaster behind him. Through his roaring and smashing, one sound cut through it all, making him stop. He could faintly hear a soft baby's cry. The Bruce Banner in the Hulk kicked in and he walked towards the noise. He stopped when a (Favorite Color) stroller was at his feet. He sat on the ground in front of it and looked inside. A tiny baby was staring at the Hulk and Hulk stared right back. After a few seconds, the baby smiled, showing pink gums. Slowly, Hulk started shrinking back into Bruce when he saw the smile. Once he had managed to find some clothes, he slipped them on and crouched down to her eye level. Sense the baby had obviously belonged to someone, Bruce sat on a bench with the baby sat on his lap, waiting for the mom to come back to get her. It was almost nightfall, and still no sign of the girl's mom. Bruce sighed and looked down at her tiny frame. She was asleep in his arms, with both hands balled up, holding onto his shirt. He smiled at the sight. "I guess I can keep you for a while. I mean, babies cant be too hard to take care of, im a doctor! I can handle anything, isnt that right...... (Y/N)?" He liked the sound of that name, so thats what he stuck with. He held her close the whole way to Stark towers. "I hope Tony doesn't mind a kid running around the tower."

Thor- Thor crashed down through the sky. Tony had called him down to earth to help with some alien activity going on around New York. He was walking through the streets when he overheard two people talking. "We cant keep it, kids are just burdons." "But what if someone finds it and tracks us down for getting rid of it?" "We will move out of town and start new lives, c'mon, just leave it right here and lets hurry and get out of here before someone finds us." Thor heard some rustling and then silence. He looked down the alley and found no one. Just to make sure, he walked down the alley, looking for the thing the two had left. Just when he was about to leave the alley and head to Stark towers, he heard a trash can move. He slowly walked towards the noise with his hammer ready. He pulled the lid off the can quickly and his heart stopped. Inside was a dirty baby, with nothing but a diaper, blinking it's (Y/E/C) eyes because of the sudden light. Thor dropped his hammer onto the ground and started at the little baby. She smiled and reached her tiny hands towards him. Despite his big size, he picked up the baby very gently and cradled her close. "You are very tiny for a midguardian child." It was true, the baby was very skinny and had a few bruises here and there. "No matter, I will bring you to the healers back on Asguard, they can fix you up, Princess (Y/N).

Clint Barton/Hawkeye- Clint was walking down the street. It was just like any other night. He was headed back to his apartment after having just returned from a mission. He was cut up and bruised but no major damage was done. He was almost near his apartment when a woman ran up to him. She was dirty and looked starving. She shoved a little bundle into his arms and looked up to his face. "Take care of her, I cant. Her name is (Y/N)." And with that, she ran off. Clint was staring at where the woman had run off to, confused out of his mind. His attention then shifted down to the tiny bundle in his arms. With one arm supporting the object, he peeled back the tattered blanket to see a baby that was fast asleep. The (Y/H/C) hair on her head was dirty and matted, and her skin was caked in dirt, but he could tell she was a beautiful baby nonetheless. "(Y/N) huh? Ok then (Y/N), lets go home then."

Thank you for reading this first part of my story. Again this is my first time on Wattpad and these probably aren't the best preferences in the world so they wont be perfect. In the next part, im planning on doing other Marvel characters like Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Deadpool, Spiderman, and Loki. You can leave requests or whatever and I can try to make them, I cant do this all by myself! Again thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it and im sorry if there are any mistakes or grammar errors. :)

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