Preference #6 Bath Time

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Tony Stark/Iron Man- "Ok JARVIS, where is she?" "She is in her room playing sir." Tony took a deep breath as the mask of his suit covered his face. "Ok, keep me updated on where she runs." "Yes sir." Tony walked as quietly as possible in his suit. Once he was just ouside your door, he got ready for the fight and got into a fighting stance. He opened the door quickly and spotted you sitting on your floor, playing with your action figures. As soon as you saw him in his suit, coming for you, you knew exactly what was coming. You stood up and ran between his legs and out into the hall. "Dang it! PEPPER BLOCK THE DOOR!" You ran straight towards the front door, knowing thats your only escape. Almost to your freedom you smiled and reached to grab the door knob but someone grabbed it before you. "Where do you think you're going (Y/N)?" Pepper asked. You screamed and ran to the nearest window. After clambering out of the window (you're on the bottom floor), you fell onto the grass and ran towards the local park. Meanwhile, Tony ran up to Pepper. "Did you get her?" "No she climbed out the window before I could stop her." "Ok, i'll get her, get everything ready for when I get back." "Ok." Pepper ran off and Tony opened the door and flew off. "Where is she JARVIS?" "She is hiding in the tube slide at the park." "She really is desperate isn't she?" Getting in a comfortable spot was really difficult in a slide, but it was worth it. After a few minutes, started to hear distant rumbling. You could recognize that sound from anywhere. You started to climb out of the slide, but you were grabbed my the collar of your shirt and blasted into the air. Screaming and kicking, you tried to get out of your fathers iron grasp, but to no avail. "C'mon (Y/N), baths aren't that bad!" You dangled there and folded your arms in front of your chest and didn't say anything to him for the rest of the night. 

Steve Rogers/Captain America- "(Y/N)? Come out, I know you're in here somewhere." Steve was wandering around the house with a towel in his hand, ready to grab you when he found you, if he found you. After checking the whole house and not finding you anywhere, he sat on the couch and covered his mouth with his hand and started thinking. "If I were (Y/N), where would I hide." After a few seconds, he thought of one place you thought he would never look. He stood up, turned around, and lifted the couch up. "Got ya!" You were holding onto the bottom of the couch and was brought up with the couch. Screaming bloody murder, you tried to run away before he caught you but his large hands caught onto your waist and you were hefted into the air. Steve threw you across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked towards the bathroom, with you screaming and kicking in the process.

Bruce Banner/Hulk- You were hiding under your bed, with your hand covering your mouth to keep quiet. Loud, heavy footsteps slowly made their way to your room. You hid under a blanket but kept watching the door. It was slowly pushed open and revealed Hulk. His eyes scanned the room for any type of movement. After finding nothing, he walked out. You let out a big breath of air, but it turned into a scream when the bed was lifted into the air. Scrambling up, you ran to the door. You almost reached it, but a large green hand grabbed you around your middle and you were pulled back. You banged on the fist, but he wouldn't let go. Hulk gently set the bed back on the floor and cradled you in one arm, then walked out the door. You squirmed but he kept you close and made his way down the Stark Tower halls towards the bathroom. You hit his chest as hard as you could. "Let me go!" He grabbed you with both hands and held you in front of him. "(Y/N) need bath." "No I don't! Put me down!" But he didn't listen.

Thor- The whole palace guard was on the hunt for you. You needed a bath desperately, but you had hidden. Guards ran this way and that, searching every nook and cranny of the place, but no one could find you. Thor growled and started walking to a place where he knew someone would be that could help. The Library. Thor threw open the doors and walked straight to the back. Sitting on a plush chair, was Loki. He was quietly reading a book, turning a page every now and then. He glanced up as Thor walked towards him. "Loki, I know you know where she is, tell me, now." Loki looked up at Thor with a bored expression. "Princess (Y/N) promised to leave me alone for a week if I wouldn't tell anyone where she was. And I need some peace and quiet, so I will keep my promise." He then went back to his book. Thor stomped off, but Loki stopped him. "You seem larger then when I saw you last, have you gained weight?" Thor shot a look that could kill, and started walking again. Loki smirked and watched his brother retreat. A head poked out from under Thor's cape. You looked at Loki and waved at him. Loki smiled and waved back.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye- Clint was the master of hiding, and he taught you everything he knew. Right now, that trick should have stayed with him. He couldn't find you anywhere. You were covered in dirt and grime from days ago and you desperately needed a bath, but you wouldn't have that. Clint had been searching for an hour and had no luck. Then he thought of one place he hadn't looked. Climbing on the couch, he climbed into the vents. The vents in Stark Tower were huge and they went everywhere in the tower. The perfect hiding place. After crawling through the vents for a few minutes, he finally heard a giggle echo through one of the vents on his right. He started down that one and finally found his target. You were laying on your stomach watching the TV through an opening. A TV show your dad strictly told you not to watch. Being an assassin, Clint very quietly snuck up behind you. He grabbed your feet and pulled you back, dragging you through the vents. You quickly figured out who had grabbed you and you started kicking and screaming. He eventually got to the right vent, the bathroom. Lets just say both of you were tuckered out by the end of the night.

Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver- Pietro collapsed onto the couch and rubbed his face with his hands. He had tried to find you for your daily bath, but he couldn't find any trace of you. He sighed and got up to walk to the kitchen. Maybe he could lure you out with food. He looked through the cupboards and finally found the chocolate chip cookies. He set them on a plate and went to the fridge to get the milk. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he looked inside. You had moved the food around and you were sitting inside the fridge, shivering and shoveling ice cream into your face. "(Y/N) MAXIMOFF WHY DID YOU HIDE IN THE FRIDGE OF ALL PLACES! AND I TOLD YOU, NO ICE CREAM BEFORE BED!" He picked you out of the fridge and for the first time, you didn't struggle to get out of his grasp. You sneezed and rubbed your nose. "See now ya got yourself sick!" You took a warm bath and the two of you snuggled under piles of blankets all night, drinking hot chocolate. 

Wade Wilson/Deadpool- He never made you take a bath. He never took one either, End of Story.

Peter Parker/Spiderman- You were outside playing in the mud with your puppy, (Favorite Dog Name). After doing this for about an hour, Peter finally came home from stopping a bank robbery. You gasped when he saw you and you ran through the yard with (Dog) hot as your heels. "(Y/N) Parker what were you doing in the mud!" He exclaimed. You started to climb up a large tree until something encircled your torso. You looked down to find your fathers webs wrapped around you. He started to drag you into the house, with you tugging on the web but it was to sticky. It was a night full of fighting and lots of soap. 

Loki- "C'mon love, you need a bath." Loki just stared at you with an amused look. You had on his helmet and his scepter was positioned at him. You tried to have the scariest, most threatening face, but what came out was just adorable to Loki. "I don't want a bath, I do what I want." He laughed and shook his head. "Don't make me force you to get in." "Try me you mewling quim." He raised an eyebrow and looked at you. You smiled at him innocently, with one missing tooth. Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you. Turning around quickly, you saw your fathers mischievous smirk. Before you could even scream, you were plucked off the ground. Loki took his helmet off you and took the scepter from your hands and led you to the bathroom, ignoring your protests, with you tucked tightly under his arm.

Im sorry these ones suck! (>~<) But 400+ views guys! That is amazing and it means so much to me so thank you! *virtual hugs*

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