~Peter Quill~

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Im sorry in advance for these. My knowledge on Guardians of the Galaxy isn't anywhere near my knowledge of the Avengers so Peter's and or any of the other guardian's preferences (If I do those) won't be as good as the others. I hope you guy's will forgive me. (•~•)

How you meet- Peter grumbled as he walked into Taneleer Tivan's Collector building. (Is that where he works? idk XD You get what im saying) The other guardians ganged up against him and made him go and drop off a new artifact for Tivan to put into his odd collection. Peter hated the place, it gave him the creeps so he wanted to get in and get out as fast as possible. When Tivan saw Peter, he gracefully walked over and took a small bow. "Peter Quill. What brings you to my humble collection." Peter shivered, but succeeded in hiding it. "Uh, the guardians wanted me to give this to you. I dont know what it is, but.. ya." Peter quickly handed the weird rock over. Tivan slowly turned it over in his hands. "Go take a look around while I look more carefully at the gem so I can see what it is worth." Peter sighed and started wandering around the many cases that held either living creatures or things that just looked like a bunch of weird rocks to Peter. After a bit of exploring, one glass cage made him stop in his tracks. Held captive inside, was a woman. A human to be exact. The first human Peter had seen since he was taken from Earth. He stared wide eyed at the woman while she looked at him with sad, gloomy eyes. "Ah! I see you have met Rachael (If that's your name just change it :)). My human! She's very sick and im guessing won't last much longer. Which means I will have to go find a new human because im not keeping the tiny thing she calls a baby." Peter ripped his eyes from the woman's poor eyes to see the little baby that she held close to her, who was wrapped only in a thin blanket, with no clothes nor diaper. "Rachael was with child when I got her. So she gave birth and she now refuses to give me the thing. So when she dies, I'll dispose of the little brat myself." Peter looked at Tivan with suprise and anger. "Why don't you keep it? You won't need to go find another human." Peter was trying to convince Tivan to keep it because he couldn't bear the thought of the baby being disposed of in some awful way. "I don't care to keep it. If I did I would have to raise it and give it attention, and I have no time for that. Anyway, enough about them. The gem is real and I will give you 50,000 units for it." That was a lot of money, but Peter's mouth spoke before he could register what he was actually saying. "Keep the money, I want the baby instead." Tivan looked at Peter confused. "Why? It is not for sale." Peter clenched his hands at his side. "You're going to get rid of it anyway." Tivan took a second, thinking about the offer. Peter looked back at the woman and saw a little hope in her eyes. Finally Tivan spoke. "Deal. If you can get the blasted woman to give it to you." He walked over and opened up the glass prison. Peter walked up to the two and knelt down in front of them. Tivan walked away to do something weird so the woman spoke. Her voice was raspy, but Peter could understand. "Thank you so much. Please give her the life she deserves. Her name is (Y/N)." Without saying anything else, Rachael kissed the baby on her forehead, and with tears brewing in her eyes, she shakily handed her over to Peter's opened arms. Peter gave a small smile at Rachael as the glass re-sealed itself. He took one last glance at the woman, then left with (Y/N) held protectively in his arms. Once he was outside, he looked down and took in the little girl's features. (H/C) hair covered her head in small tufts, beautiful (E/C) eyes, and the tiniest nose. In Peter's eyes, she was the prettiest baby he had ever seen, even though he hadn't seen many. She gave him a gummy smile and gave a small giggle. Peter's heart felt warm and fuzzy just looking at her. "Well (Y/N). You're gonna have one heck of a life. But we will go through it together. Now, lets go see what Uncle Rocket thinks of ya."

Nickname- Star - As soon as Peter blasted into space that first day, you couldn't keep your eyes off of the many stars that surrounded you. Once Peter saw the stars reflecting in your eyes, he instantly gave you the nickname.

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