Chapter 3

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"Rose come on get up we have to start shopping for the house. There is nothing in this house and I am hungry", I said hitting her with a pillow. She isn't sleep and I she's not. "Pumpkin, please more minutes my head is hurting", She said in a raspy voice.

Rose and I have made the YouTube video, we are very happy that We didn't have to edit it. I do feel bad that Colby had to do it because he looked very tired. I decided to text him to see how he is doing. He did leave our house and hour ago.
-text with Colby-
Karmen- Hey pretty boy
Colby- Hey
Karmen- What are you doing
Colby- Nothing laying down
Karmen- Sorry for making you edit our video.
Colby- It's okay
Karmen- no seriously I am sorry
Colby- again it's okay. I got sleep
Karmen- That's good
Colby- Yea but I will talk to you later cupcake
Karmen- Talk to you later pretty boy
-off text-
"I'm ready", Rose said rubbing her eye. We left the house and went to Target. We had got groceries and stuff we need for the house. Next stop was to get food from Chik-fil-A.

"So let's schedule how we are gonna do these YouTube videos", I told Rose as we got finished putting the groceries up. The only reason there wasn't any groceries was because her dad had already bought the house for her. She never lived in it or was in the house until yesterday.

"Okay so every Wednesday and Saturday we post videos. We will post at 12:55pm on Wednesday. Saturday we will post at 3:50pm. Sounds good to me", Rose stated while looking towards me. I am happy to start a channel. "So I have my own camera and you have your own camera. When are you gonna make a YouTube video for your channel.

"I probably will do it tomorrow. When will you do yours", Rose asked me. I really wanted to do it after Christmas. But I guess ima do it tomorrow, because I will be with my siblings and there kids for Christmas. "I was gonna do it after Christmas. I'm gonna do it tomorrow as well.

We got some sleep afterwards. I did want to post the video we made today. I was gonna text pretty boy about the video. As soon as I was gonna text him about to the video. I got a text from him.
Pretty Boy❤️- Sorry for the wait of the video
Karmen- Its okay pretty boy
Pretty Boy❤️- When I got the video to edit it I went home and fell asleep
Karmen- Still it's okay
Pretty Boy❤️- But here is the video for you to post *Attachment*
Karmen- Thanks pretty boy
Pretty Boy❤️- You're welcome cupcake
-off text-

"What are you smiling so hard about", Rose asked me while smirking. She knew that I had Colby number. "I was texting pretty boy", I replied. She knew who "pretty boy" was because he edited how video. "Also pretty boy sent the video, I just posted it", I told her.

We have nothing to do. "What do you want to do now", I asked Rose. I was bored. My brother wouldn't reply to my messages. "I mean we can hang out with friends again if that is what you want", She said smirking.

"I would like that just no drinking", I say pointing at her. Okay, I'm not gonna say that she is an alcoholic, but I will say she loves to drink. "No alcohol, got it. What are we gonna do when they get here", she responded.

"We can play the 5 second rule", I told her. If you don't know, the 5 second rule is you have 5 seconds to guess 3 things the person ask you. "I never played that. I know how to play just never played. "Then how do you know how to play", I ask her. "I watched someone play it on YouTube", she replied. Okay I have no idea why I asked that question. "Make since", I said.

Rose: Do you guys want to come over
Sam: What are we gonna do
Rose: A non-alcoholic game. We are gonna play the 5 second rule game
Karmen: My idea
Rose: Don't matter
Karmen: Don't start
Kat: I would like to play
Kevin: Same
Rose: If no one else respond then it is settled that it would be just us
Colby: I'm gonna play
Karmen: It is settled then.
-off text-
"Wait I'm just now thinking about it. You just want to play this game because you know that "pretty boy" was gonna say that he would want to play", She said with a smirk on her face. Okay I maybe did want to ask them to come because pretty boy was going to. That is a little weird but oh well. "I have no idea what you are talking about", I tell her. I can already tell that my face is definitely red right now.
-25 minutes later-
"We are here", Kevin said as he knocked on the door. Since Rose was asleep I decided to wake her up first which took like 2 minutes. I go to the door open it. "Hey what took so long", Colby asked. Now it sounded like he had an attitude when I opened that door. "I had to wake up Rose, and don't get no attitude", I said while letting them in.

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