Chapter 1

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Darkkit woke up to a small body jumping right onto her. She looked up to see her brother, Applekit looking right down to her.

"Come on lazybones!"He squeaked. "Let's go and play outside!" With that, Applekit jumped off her and scampered to the entrance to the nursery. With a groan, Nightkit stood and noticed that she was the only one left in the nursery. How long have I slept? 

She blinked the sleepiness from her eyes and padded out of the nursery to find all her littermates, mother and denmates outside. Her mother, Moonfire was sharing tongues with her best friend Nettleleaf, and turned her head around when she heard Darkkit. 

Moonfire rasped her tongue over her ear."You're finally awake! I thought I would let you lot sleep in, but the others didn't want to." Darkkit just shrugged and turned to play with her littermates and denmates. Willowkit, the oldest out of Applekit, Blossamkit, Weaslekit Silverkit and herself, was sometimes a bit bossy, but protective too, spotted Darkkit. "Darkkit, come play with us. We're practicing our knowledge of some herbs."

"Okay,"Darkkit jumped towards them. Nettleleaf's kits, Sunkit and Icekit joined them. "Nettleleaf says that the roots are called Burdock Root. She said they are very good for treating infections, especially rat bites,"Sunkit said proudly. Weaslekit nodded and meowed,"And the bright yellow plants are called Marigold, they can be chewed into a pulp along with the leaves, they help also with infection, and help heal burns."

LightningClan was the only Clan who taught kits at a very young age about herbs, survival and sometimes even hunting or battle techniques, but are still apprenticed at six moons old. Darkkit pointed her tail at some roots and hairy leaves."Those are the leaves and roots of the plant borage. They help queens increase their milk and are great for fevers."


"There's Stormfire, he wants his herbs back,"Icekit mewed. Only a few days younger, the young white tom was sister to Sunkit, and best friends with her and his littermates. A dark grey tom with highlights of white ran up to them."Sorry kits, but I need the herbs, but you can have them back later. "It's okay Stormfire," Willowkit answered with some proud authority. As Stormfire collected the herbs together, Silverkit announced,"Let's see who can run the fastest around the camp! From the nursery to around the camp, back to the nursery." All the other kits nodded their heads and agreed.

"Moonfire!"Willowkit ran up to their mother. "We're going to see who can run the fastest around the camp." Moonfire and Nettleleaf paused to think for a moment before nodding.

Nightkit felt excitement in her limbs, but also nervousness.  A few cats had noticed and come to watch. "I'll tell you when to go,"Nettleleaf meowed."And no cheating! If any other cats or me catch you cheating, then you will spend two days in the nursery doing nothing!"

LightningClan always took cheating and races seriously, even with games or kits. LightningClan despised cheating, the Clan believed that cheating would always carry on with the cat who did it. It was only accepted in a few types of circumstances.

All of the kits drew into a line just in front of the nursery. Nettleleaf stood on the side.


That one word made all the kits sprint forwards. Darkkit felt the world go slow as she ran as fast as she could. Darkkit dodged Applekit and Sunkit as they drew closer to the Apprentices' Den. As Darkkit drew closer to the front, Icekit tried to get ahead, but as always, he was too slow. She felt energy and pride burst from her chest, and she sprinted ahead of all the kits. She noticed the leader and deputy, Ripplestar and Lavendersong, watching her with interest and shock as she sped past them. As she neared the nursery again, she gave one burst of energy and reached the nursery. Skidding to a stop, she yowled,"I won!"

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