o2. ⁀➷ torn petunia ♡

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Liyue was the Nation of Contracts, filled with wealth and beauty

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Liyue was the Nation of Contracts, filled with wealth and beauty. Liyue Harbor, the capital of it, was allowing those around to peak in the mind of it's creator. It's elegant, ancient buildings were standing proudly, stern like the Archon that let them happen. Surrounded by the sea and mountains, the city stood it's ground against monsters and Gods, not shaken even by the most disguisting evil, which was yet to come out of the shadows.

A cold gaze embraced the capital from above, slowly shifting from one place to another. The girl kept a distanced yet anxious expression on her face, solely focusing her eyes on what was infront of her. She has still had a long way of coping after what happened a few petty minutes ago. The rage filling her body was making her shake as she raised her thumb up to her lips. Her skin, once soft, now seemed to have a texture of sandpaper. Her teeth tore through the flesh, dyeing the finger red.

"A-Are you okay?"

No. Why would she be? Her kin, her flesh and blood has been yet again taken away. His mind, definetly broken and corrupted, was manipulated by some mages to make him abandon her. There was no other explanation to what has happened right infront of her eyes, after months of separation.

"Paimon never imagined your brother would have sided with the Abyss..."

A small child stated, floating meters above the rocky grounds of the mountain. Her snow white hair, embraced by golden rose crown, were reaching her petite shoulders. Two eyes of the night's sky with moon like pupils stared at her in worry, her once calm and stoic, now cold face reflecting in them. Yet, the child did not noticed the twitch of her companion's eye.

"I'm feeling better."

Her reply was perfectly masking the anger and distress. She moved her limb away from her face, allowing it to drop back to her side. The dripping sound was not heard even in the silence of the night. However, it may have been for the better. If she went down to the city rockus, she would've most likely cause havoc, overwhelmed by everything. Even the voice of her guide seemed to annoy her, but she wouldn't let it show. She was not going to let anyone see her weaknesses. She was going to be strong. She always had to be strong for her brother, and he was strong for her. Stopping that would've been unfair to him, no?

"Well, keep you chin up, Lumine! Paimon believes in both of you. And when the going get's tough, the tough get's going, right?"

"Yeah. You're right."

The Traveler was holding back an urge to start talking. She desperatly wanted to open up to someone, anyone. But, she was stubborn to keep it in. Her brother was the only one there for her back in the day. She couldn't possibly tarnish his name and love by replacing him with someone, who she was going to leave one day anyway.

"He said we need to 'reach the end of our journey'... Paimon bets he still has lots more to tell us! And we won't find out what this 'journey' is or when it will end unless we keep going!"

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