Dr. Charles' office

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"So Iz, Voight told me you were having a difficult time. We don't even have to talk about it if you don't want to. Of course anything it confidential unless I feel like your in danger, then I'd tell your legal guardian, which at the moment is Voight." She just nods. "So we will see eachother like this weekly but if you feel like you want more or need to talk I'm always here." She nods again. "Iz, I know this is going to come off like I'm being harsh but I can promise you now I only have your best interests at heart, if I don't feel like you are making any progess we are going to have to try a different approach and I'm sure you dont want that ok." She croaks out an okay still looking at her feet and fidgeting. "Right, I'm going to ask you a few questions on how you have been feeling the past week. Just be honest ok Iz, just so I know where we are and to start conversations." He goes on "Okayy the answers will be all of the time, somtimes and never okay. 1st question, how often have you been feeling down or sad?" She shrugs "sometimes ig". The questions go on until he reaches the last one. "Right Iz for this one I'm not insinuating anything i just have to ask ok. Have you had thoughts of harming yourself and/ or acted upon them." She looks up for the first time. She just breaks down in tears. Know one has asked her that, she definetly wasn't prepared for the question. She felt like there was something stopping her from breathing she panicked and couldn't breath. Dr Charles stayed calm and looked at her. "Iz look at me, look at me ok we are going to take deep and long breaths with eachother ok. Follow me. Breath in 1..2..3..4 and out 7..6..5..4..3..2..1." This continued for a few minutes. "I'm so sorry" Isabelle states. "No, this is not your fault ok. You have done so well okay. We can do this okay." For the first time Isabelle thought that finally someone understands her. Dr Charles went through saftey proceders with her, where to go and what to do if she ever does it again.

When they went downstairs Voight was waiting for them. "Isabelle why dont you go see your brother, Will he hasnt seen you in ages". Dr Charles says. She goes off. Dr Charles pulls Voight into a room quietly. "Okay so all I have done today is risk assess Isabelle and ask her a few questions on her mental wellbeing. But harming herself did flag up, I have been through a saftey plan with her but just to keep an eye out." Voight looks "Jesus alright, I will." They both leave and Voight gets Isabelle. "I'm gunna take you home alright kiddo, how about a movie night huh?" Isabelle shrugs "ye sounds good".

Isabelle Halstead                                               -CHICAGO PD-Where stories live. Discover now