Chapter One ~ Departures ~ Part I

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Chadwick MacNamara slumbered in his dorm when an emergency announcement came across the halls of Blackthorn and Burtree. The disembodied harsh voice of Bookkeeper Tenebrous suddenly started speaking, making him jerk awake with such force, he found himself on the floor beside his bed.

'Attention all Alchemists and Chemists.'

'Bugger!' Chadwick exclaimed. Once he realised the voice wasn't coming from an intruder in his room, he sighed heavily and slumped against the cold stone floor of his dormitory. Then he sat up and rubbed his throbbing ribs, suddenly remembering how, just last night, a Shadow Alchemist had kicked him repeatedly. His chest was likely covered in bruises now.

'Attention all Alchemists and Chemists. There will be a mandatory emergency meeting at eight o'clock this morning in the Chamber of Trials. I repeat, there will be a mandatory emergency meeting at eight o'clock this morning in the Chamber of Trials. All Alchemists and Chemists are required to attend for an important announcement.'

Immediately, Chadwick started speculating on the purpose of the announcement. The Code Breaker had been set free last night; he knew, because he had been there. He had seen it himself, but most Alchemists at Blackthorn wouldn't know that he was free. That had to be what the Keeper was planning to announce at the meeting.

Chadwick pulled himself to his feet and touched his sore ribs with a groan. He stumbled around his small dorm to get ready, checking the time dial on his shelf to see that it was 7:30 in the morning. Too early for the weekend, when Chadwick was actually allowed to sleep in a bit.

'Chadwick?' came the familiar voice of his father, Broderick MacNamara, coming from the Divination Mirror on the bookshelf. 'Are you awake?'

'Morning Dad,' Chadwick said with a lazy yawn.

'Chadwick, listen to me,' his father said in an urgent tone of voice. 'I have bad news, and little time.'

Chadwick pulled a chair from his table and sat down in front of his Divination Mirror, so he could see his father through the looking glass. His father was actually in another room in Blackthorn and Burtree, down the twisting halls where the instructors' quarters were located. 'What's wrong?' he asked, noticing the worried look on his father's face. His long dark blond hair wasn't pulled back in a bun the way he usually wore it, making him look rather harried.

'There's been an emergency. Your mother and I are leaving Blackthorn. We don't have a choice. There are dangerous times ahead of us, Chadwick.' He ran his hand over his mouth, smoothing down his goatee.

Chadwick's brain started reeling. He tried to make sense of what his father was saying, but before he could ask why his parents had to leave, his father started talking again.

'It will be very important for you to focus on your schooling and prepare for your Joint Trial, no matter what happens. Keep your head down, do you hear me? And look after your Protégé. Heaven knows the Breaker will try to get to her again somehow. You need to be like an older brother to her. Guard her with your life.'

'Dad!' Chadwick finally found his voice. 'What are you on about?'

'The Council of Magisters has removed the Keeper from Blackthorn and Burtree. They have a list of Alchemists they believe work for the Code Breaker. I'm on it, and so is Thea's father. We have no choice, son! We need to flee before the Constables come for us.'

Chadwick's stomach suddenly went cold. He shook his head and stammered, 'What? But why?'

'I don't know, son. Just ... go to the meeting. I'll contact you again later, when we are safely away.'

'But you're not working for the Breaker,' he said, finally coming to his senses. 'Can't you stay and clear your name?'

'I wish we could, honestly I do,' he said as he hastily tied his hair back into a bun.

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