Chapter 3

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Doing her nightly patrols this time without Caleb, Imogene could think clearly.

Why do these headaches bring me visions?

Visions of these beautiful beasts.

A wave of fear washed over her.

What if I mutated wrong and I'm not a full Magik?

There were those in the New Generation who has not mutated correctly. Their mind and Magik were unstable. If they were dangerous to themselves and to others, they were killed. Clarity was supposed to overcome them. The lethal injection that slowed their heart to a stop, brought calmness.

Imogene feared that her racing heart would be brought to a stop. Ended by a needle of poison. To her, that was a coward's end. She wants to die fighting, not in Madame's army, but fighting in the Resistance instead. Imogene wanted to die in the army fighting Madame.

Catherine, Imogene, Caleb, Mable, and Malcolm had all agreed to join the Resistance as soon as possible. You could join when you reach the age of seventeen. That was next year for Mable and everyone else a year after that. Just two more years in the beautiful prison called Prosper Academy.


At breakfast that morning, Imogene stared longingly at the raspberries piled on Caleb's plate. Malcolm was sneaking some every time Caleb looked away. In secret, he passed some to Imogene. Caleb chose that moment to look up. He glared at Malcolm to Imogene and then to Catherine.

She shrugged. "I didn't do anything."

Caleb snatched up Malcolm's fork and flicked a raspberry at Imogene. She gasped with surprise as the berry squished on her cheek. She took her own fork and shoved eggs into the pocket of Caleb's jacket.

"Food fight!" Called Malcolm.

Catherine smeared jelly in his hair and ducked as a glob of oatmeal came hurtling towards her.

The fight only lasted a few moments. Then Mable marched up, to them and herded them to Headmaster Mason's office.

When they entered, Gideon was spinning in his father's large chair. Immediately he stood, bowed, and raced off to find the Headmaster.

"So professional!" Called Catherine to his retreating back.

Mable grabbed Imogene's ear and twisted it scornfully.

"You're one to talk! Joining a food fight!" In a hushed voice, she added harshly "You've got to stay here until your fifth year!"

Headmaster Mason swept into the room through a back door. He sat down dramatically in his seat.

"Ms.Daugherty, Ms. Castell, Mr. Avenue- I suspect these two have done something wrong?" He nodded at each of them and then gestured to Malcolm and Catherine.

"These four, sir." Mable corrected, curtsying.

"Oh?" Headmaster Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"A food fight, I believe sir."

He stroked his salt and pepper beard thoughtfully. "Who started it?"

"I-" Caleb started.

"I did, sir!" Malcolm waved his hands in the air and stuck his tongue out at the Headmaster.

They all gasped in surprise as Malcolm jumped onto the dark mahogany desk. He did a little dance, winked and disappeared. But not before dropping an object on the carpet.

"An incredible Code." Caleb said quietly, still startled.

"I'm so sorry, sir! I-I don't know how he did that! Oh, my." Mable was rambling trying to distract Headmaster Mason.

Catherine dropped to the floor, in pretended anguish. She swept the folded piece of paper in the pocket inside her jacket. Imogene knelt beside her. They had a hurried, whispered conversation as Manle hurried around, throwing her hands up.

Meanwhile, Caleb simply stood shocked in the middle of the room. Headmaster Mason turned his calculating gaze on Caleb. He stood, walked around his desk to Caleb, and smacked him smartly across the face. Everyone got completely quiet.

"Boy! You're smart enough to take it upon yourself to monitor the riffraff you associate yourself with!" He said in a booming voice.

Caleb's mouth gaped open like a fish. With a glare, he closed it, and muttered a "Yes, sir." and walked out of the room. The door swung shut behind him. Imogene bolted to her feet. Catherine shoved the note into her fist.

"I-I should go...after him." Imogene said vaguely. She curtsied and ducked out if Headmaster Mason's office.


Imogene found Caleb in the target room. It was a large place, lined with mirrors and bright red spots on the walls. Caleb had his Shock Gun out and was shooting blindly at the targets.

Imogene sighed. She grabbed two pair of headphones and put one on. She slipped the other over Caleb's ear and turned the microphone on.

"What are you doing in here without headphones on? You'll go deaf!" She screamed at him.

"I'll go deaf with you yelling at me," he said smartly.

Imogene pursed her lips and scowled. "Fine! Maybe I won't talk anymore!" She shouted.

Caleb rolled his eyes. "You couldn't stop talking to save your life." He continued shooting at the targets; hitting each one.

"What if its your hearing?" Imogene asked angrily. "Caleb, if you go deaf, you won't be able to hear me scold you!" She wiped dried berry juice off her cheek. A bright red smear showed, just below her left eye. She yawned.

"Now I'm tired and in no mood to walk back to my dorm."

"What about your Advancement of Technology class?" Caleb asked, still firing with his Shock Gun.

"What about it?" Imogene asked. She crossed her arms and stared at Caleb.

He sighed, holstered his Shock Gun, and started to walk out the door. Imogene followed him out, pouting. Caleb escorted Imogene to the girl's dorm. They still had half a day's worth of classes before dinner. Standing before the oak and mahogany doors, she glared up at Caleb. This boy was like her brother. He was constantly forcing her to strive to do better. It was because of Caleb, Imogene was in the top of her classes.


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Caleb and Imogene. Officially shipped.

School is almost over! But that means testing is coming too ㅠㅠ. Once school is over I'll have more time to write

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So until next time, Au Revior.

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