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     I got dressed and waited in the car for my mom. I looked at my phone to see if there was any missed messages; there wasn't. Zoe never goes anywhere without her phone; so she must of seen my message by now.

     "That bitch, shes ignoring me..."

     "Who's ignoring you?" My mom asked getting in the car.

     "No one?" I asked hoping she would leave it alone. She lifted her eyebrow to say for me to tell who, but I kept my mouth shut.

    "Zoe?" She asked two minutes away from school.

    "What about Zoe?" I asked pretending like I didn't know.

     "Is she the one ignoring you?" She asked as we pulled up to school.

    "Sorry got to go, bye love ya!" I said practically jumping out of the car. I looked around and realized I was on time for once.

    "Hey Pepper, over here!" I turn to see Kendra waving at me. I slowly made my way to her and and sat down next to her.

    "So I thought that you should meet the rest of the girls before school. I'm Kendra of coarse, and I represent Lust. That's London she = Greed, Diane = Sloth, Rachel = Pride, Joe = Envy, and Rose = Gluttony. So that's everyone." She said. I looked at the five girls she just introduced and tried to match names to faces.

     "So what happened to the last Wrath?" I asked looking at the time on my phone.

     "She was hit by a bus." Rachel said filing her nails. 

     "Like Regina George." London snickered.

     "Who's Regina George?" I asked confused.

     "Your kidding me right?" Kendra asked almost disgusted. 

     "From Mean Girls..." Rose whispered.

     "You've seen it right?" Joe asked.

     "No, I actually haven't..." I said playing with my hair. They all stared at me, mouths open, eyes wide and all not moving or blinking. Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that; I thought. The bell rang and all the girls got up ;and left me there. Just standing there like an idiot, alone, like always.

     At launch I looked around the cafeteria for Kendra and the girls. I spotted them at the other side of the cafeteria and started to make my way over to them.

     "Hi, excuse me, but are you Pepper?" Some random girl asked me.

     "Yea I am..." I said a little sacred.

    "Cool, okay I'm Helena. Me and my friends are huge fans of The Seven Deadly Bitches."

    "Wait let me stop you there. Who are The Seven Deadly Bitches?" I asked.

    "OMFG, your soooo funny!" she said and started to hysterically laugh. "Your in The Seven Deadly Bitches!" she started to laugh again. "I have to go tell Taylor what you said!" She said and ran off.

     "Okay have fun with that..." I said walking to the table.

     "Hey, why were you talking to Helly Helena?" Kendra asked me as I sat down at the table.

     "I don't know, she said she was a big fan of ours." I said smile.

     "More like a fan of me!" Rachel said looking at herself in the mirror.

     "NO, Me!" Joe yelled throwing a piece of lettuce at Rachel. 

     "Girls, Girls now to more import matters. Okay so on Saturday we have that rave to go to." She said looking at a mini calendar she pulled out of her backpack.

     "I don't think I should be saying this, but do I have to go?" I asked taking a big glup of coke.

     "Yes you do, and you should really be drinking diet." Kendra said pointing at my drink.

     "My mom will not let me go! I can't go! I can't! I can't! My mom will kill me." I yelled.

     "Pepper claim down. Just don't tell her, its that easy." Kendra said blowing a kiss at some random guy.

     "But how will I get there? I don't even have a car! This is F'in crazy!" I yelled thinking more about this. 

     "You can come over to my house on Friday and then I'll take you. How about all of you come over?" Kendra asked jumping up in excitement. All girls seemed to like the idea and exploded in excitement as I just sat there.   

     "Wait, Fridays tomorrow... SHIT FRIDAYS TOMORROW!" I yelled.

     "So?" Rose asked stuffing a whole piece of pizza in her mouth.

     "I don't have anything to wear." I said putting my hands over my eyes.

    "My sister has tons of stuff that I could bring." Diane said picking up her books. A second later the bell rang and they were up and walking away.

     "Oh and we can watch Mean Girls!" Kendra shouted to me as she walk away with them. I sat there trying to figure  out what just went down. But all I could think was my mom is going to kill me. SHIT.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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