Chapter 2

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You blinked, dumbfounded at the two people smiling at you.

"Hello!" Dream was the first to say anything, you remained calm and sat down in front of them.

"What's your name?" Sapnap asked.

"Y/N L/N.." You looked down, this was so embarrassing! Your favorite streamers were in-front of you and they might adopt you!

"Cool name, care to tell us a bit about yourself?" Dream asked.

"Uhm..I like video games and reading, i'm also interested into streamers..I'm also a artist.." You managed to mutter out without many awkward moments.

Dream whispered into Sapnap's ear and Sapnap nodded in agreement before turning back to you.

"It was nice meeting you Y/N! I hope we'll see you again!" Dream smiled and you awkwardly smiled back and walked out of the room.

As you shut the door you let out a sigh of relief and you quickly ran back to the staircase and saw that the boy from this morning was coming down with another woman. He flashed you a evil grin before continuing his descent down the stairs.

You shivered and ran up the stairs back to your room.

"Hey, Elliot." You said and sat down on your bed.

"How did it go?" He asked and looked up from his book.

"Awkward, I recognize those guys." You said and Elliot rose a brow.

"How do you know them?" Elliot asked.

"..Not sure.." You lied bit it was the safest option, you didn't know how the internet situation was.

Elliot shrugged and went back to reading his book. You laid down and stared at the ceiling for a bit before closing your eyes. You weren't quite asleep but you were drifting into sleep until Elliot began speaking to himself.

"Do they think those two would adopt someone as anxious and annoying as Y/N?" Elliot whispered to himself, your stomach dropped. You hoped you would be chosen because in here it seemed like the whole world was against you.

You heard a knock and your eyes shot open. You sat open and looked at the door to see a new woman standing in the door way with a smile on her face.

"Hello! One of you was adopted, im going to get the papers finalized but for now say your goodbyes!" The woman said before scurrying off.

"I'm going to miss you." Elliot says with a frown, what a fake friend.

"I'm going to miss you too!" You hugged Elliot who hugged you back and sniffled.

"I hope it won't be too rough without me.." Elliot said. Was he implying he was leaving?

"Are you saying you're confident that you are the one leaving?" You asked.

"You heard me when you were fake sleeping." Elliot smiled and you let go off the hug and flared at him.

"You have acted weird today, usually you are so distant but today you are super close." Elliot looked you up and down as your eyes grew wide. How long was this woman going to take?

Your prayers were answered when the woman came back with a smile holding some papers.

"Alright I hope you got your proper goodbyes because the person leaving is..Y/N L/N!" The woman smiled and looked at you.

"Pack up and head to the front gates, feel free to stop and say goodbye to anyone!" The woman waved before walking away.

"Oh." Elliot stared at the empty hallway and didn't move a muscle as you packed only a few clothes and a random teddy bear on your bed into a backpack.

"Goodbye." You said as you slung the backpack over your shoulders and walked out without even looking at Elliot.

You didn't stop to look at anyone or go anywhere and as you reached the bottom of the stairs you saw a door that you only could assume was locked was now wide open as if luring you in.

You assumed this was the way to the front gate as you could see a path leading up a hill outside. You stepped through and quickly ran up the path, it was quite steep but as your reached the top you saw a car with a woman bending down to talk to someone inside.

You ran up and the woman reeled back and smiled at you.

"Say your goodbyes?" She asked, you nodded and she hugged you.

"Goodbye, Dear." She let go and you were left confused as to who this lady was.

"Bye." You said and she instructed you to get into the car. You nodded and opened the back seat door and took off your backpack and held it close to your chest as you stepped into the car and sat down.

You closed the door and buckled up as you sat the backpack in between your feet. You looked up at the two people in the front seat. You saw the back of Dream and Sapnap's heads, you saw Dream looking at you in the rearview mirror and you quickly looked at your feet.

"Ready to head home?" Sapnap asked to you.

"Yup.." You mumbled as the car quickly started and you all drove off to your new home. Your only question was, how did you even get here?

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