☆ ᴍʏ ᴛᴜʀɴ..? ☆

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[ Y/N ]

[Y/N] Finally becomes God of Light :)

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[ 3PR POV ]

It has been over three year since [Y/n] had lived with her family,[Y/n] is now a eighteen year old,[Y/n] was currently in her room doing some work Techno gave her as homework due to the fact that she was homeschooled by Techno,[Y/n]s room was a decent sized bedroom,she had a normal sized bed with [ F/C ] as her bedsheets, white walls with a lines of black paint,a work place for [Y/n] to do work of course,a [F/I] [ Favourite instrument] place for you to practice and lastly a closet with a mirror.

"Im finally finish!" [Y/n] said as she stretched in her chair.

Just right after that a knock came.

"Come in." [Y/n] said.

The door opened to reveal Techno.

"You done?" Techno questions.

"Oh,yeah I am." [Y/n] said as she handed the papers to Techno.

"Thank you [N/n],mom is also calling us for lunch so let go." Techno said.

"Okay." [Y/n] said as she stood up from her chair.

Techno held the door opened for his little sister to go out of her room.

Usual when [Y/n] finished doing homework Techno would straight away mark it,that being the normal things that [Y/n] would see,but today he didnt do it.

"Arent you going to mark my papers?" [Y/n] questions.

"No,I'll do it later." Techno answered.

That was very strange to [Y/n] but she ignored it and went to stairs to go down stairs to eat lunch.

[Y/n] walks to the dining area where Tommy,Wilbur,Kristin and Phil was seated.

[Y/n] goes to the seat where usually sits which is right next to Techno and right in front of Tommy.

"[Y/n] where Techno?" Phil questions.

"Hes coming right downstairs dad." [Y/n] answered.

Kristin made a lasagna for lunch, usual Kristin would make lasagna for special occasions,for example,a birthday party, a family reunion and etc.

"Whats the special occasion?" [Y/n] questions.

"Hm?What do you mean?" Tommy question.

"Mom only makes lasagna on special occasions, now tell me whats the special occasion?" [Y/n] questions once more.

"You found out really quick." Techno said as soon as he entered the dining room.

"Its your turn [N/n]." Kristin said.

"My turn..?" [Y/n] questions

"Yes your turn." Philza said.

"Meaning?"[Y/n] questions.

" Your going to be a God hunny." Kristin said.

"A God?" [Y/n] questions.

"Yes a God." Philza said.

"I dont think Im responsible enough for that role." [Y/n] said.

"[N/n] hunny you are responsible enough to have that role,you'll be a God, jist like us." Kristen said.

"...Just like all of you?" [Y/n] questions.

"Just like all of us,now eat up,take a bath,get changed because as soon as were all done we are going to the heavens!" Kristen said.

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