• ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ •

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Hello readers,this is unfortunately the last chapter,this book was fun and frustrated to make but with all the love and support from all of you guys, I managed to actually make this story grow,thank you everyone for reading this story.


Great time together...

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Its been a few years since [Y/n] was adopted into the family and she is now 20,her oldest brother,Wilbur,has a wife named sally and a kid named Fundy,her second oldest brother is still single and will always be and your third oldest brother, Tommy had finally got a girlfriend which surprised everyone and your parents, PhilZa and Kristin, is happy as the usually are.

Wilbur also looks very different now, instead of his iconic yellow turtle next sweater instead he uses a black button up,with a coat,which is the colour grey,covering his shoulders and wears,blue jeans[not those damn thight ones ] and no more beanie,his hair was a little more curlier.

Tommy also different, he didnt have anymore braces but he still uses the iconic red and white colour except the clothes,it was a crop top zipper hoddie with short sleeves and a white shirt with long sleeves and also brown pants.

Techno now was just a bit different, he kept his long pink hair,with one singular flower given by Goddest of Forest,Techno also wore glasses now, he doesnt need to struggle anymore with his vision, he still wore a simple white button up with a tint of red and a red hoodie that had a golden chain.

*CoughX2* anyway lets continue with the story,

It was nine am and [Y/n] was just in her room looking through some files until her mother called.

[Y/n] stood up from her chair and went out of her room to see all her siblings had came out of their rooms as well.

"Yes mum what do you need?!" [Y/n] exclaimed.

"You four come down here I want you guys to meet some one!" Kristin shouted.

"Okay mum!" Tommy shouted.

"What do you guys think this is about?" Wilbur question.

"Probably something important." Techno said.

The four went downstairs and saw their father infront of the living room door and their mother on the couch looking like she was cradling something.

"Hello children." PhilZa said.

"Hello dad." Wilbur said.

"Hi." Tommy said.

"Hello." Techno said.

"Hey." [Y/n] said.

"You guy know how everyone of you four are adopted?" PhilZa said to his kids.

"Yeah,why?" Wilbur said.

"And you all know how me and your mum have been dying to have a child of our own?" PhilZa said.

"Yes of course." Tommy said.

"So,XD finally had agreed with it and now you guy's have a baby brother and sister." PhilZa said.

"Wait seriously?!"[Y/n] exclaimed.

" Of course [N/n],Kristin bring the two here please."PhilZa said.

Kristin stood up,holding both babies in hand and walked to her children.

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