What is a "yandere" ?

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Uh ok so there will be a lot of cringe and uh yeah :)



Im bored..maybe I should listen to music.

Perfect. Max set his music and put down his phone. Max stared at the ceiling for a while, contemplating what to do.
A message?
Max picked up his phone

Aunty: Yo i found an app you might like

Max: yeah?

Aunty: mhm, wattpad..or theres webtoon and..

Max: uh ok

Aunty: the only thing is I don't want you to get too far into any of them

Max: why?

Aunty: ah for reasons..

Max: ..ok?

°exited messages°

Wattpad? Webtoon? Ive heard of those.
I never really tried them out though, but i guess if my aunt recommends it..

Max went on to webtoon first, knowing that it was more his style. In the end, he found 1 story he liked. He subscribed and then went to check out wattpad since webtoon wasnt a total failure.

Wattpad huh?..
Lets see, what should i search anyway?

Max saw that were were many options to choose from, but he got so confused on what to pick, that he just searched on the internet what the top genre was.

"What is the best..genre..to..read"

°Search results°
*this is after scrolling for a while, because max was trying to find an interesting topic*

Yanderes are very popular this time of year.

Huh? Yandere? Never heard of it..
Oh well, lets search.

Max went back to wattpad and searched up yandere, and got a bunch of results.
Max didnt know where to even start, so he just clicked on the first one.
It had some sort of cliche title, such as °yandere x reader° and such..

- End, part two? Thanks for reading by the way :)
Imma make part two :>
Also pls dont be afraid to comment <3 lol

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