Not Alright

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Most days I'm able to set that night aside

But there are moments it creeps in

Sometimes it's the slight smell of Angry Orchard

Or a seen in a movie

But there are times it's just in my head

Always hiding in the shadow

And no matter what I do it can't be erased

It's a temporal anomaly inside my head

I'm forced to watch it over and over again

Each scene is displayed all around me

Like I'm trapped inside a box and it plays on every wall

There is no answer

No key or medicine to make it cease

Sometimes I'm left wanting

Wanting someone to talk to

It never feels enough

The ones I told...

They don't really see the pain

I'm forced to hide it all away

Keep it stuck inside my brain

But, Sometimes my heart skips a beat

And my breath catches in my throat

The panic attack settles over

And I wish someone truly knew

That I've never actually coped

I tucked it away

To save it for another day

And it intensifies day and night

But they can't tell I'm not alright

They see my pretend to be fine

It's getting harder to lie

To close my eyes and force back my own cry

And my lips are raw from each time my teeth find the skin

It's hard not to bite back my own emotions

But they will never see

They will never know

I sometimes feel I'm left on my own

To handle this weight

Without saying a word

Even though I've spoken once before

It never lifted off my shoulders

And each new thing seems to add more weight

Even the tiniest of pebbles

They add to the boulders

The ones rested upon my shoulders

But here I am

Smiling for today

Waiting for the sun to set

Where my emotions can finally be met

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