Insecure (DreamNotNap)

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A lil smut and Fluff


Something is wrong.
Sapnap been staying in his room lately and not coming out from his room. This makes dream worried.

Dream POV

God... Sapnap acting so weird these day, he doesn't want to eat, hanging out with me and George. He just staying in his room for all day. This making me worry sick.

I'm making some spaghetti for dinner and hoping sapnap would eat this time.

"Done! I hope sapnap eat this time. I'm worried about him."

"Don't worry dream, I'm sure he will! Hopefully..."

Let's do this.
I grab some plate while George pouring some orange juice for sapnap. Me and George make our way to sapnap room.

Sapnap POV

I keep sobbing and sniffing in my room, I try keep wiping my tears to calm myself down. The trash bin is full of the tissue.

Why can't I be prettier? I try my best to make myself look good. I try my hardest to make myself better person but I changed. Maybe they don't like new me. Why I can't be good as them? Good at sports, smart and other.

Those hate comments is too much. It keeps annoyed me, its always "SaPnAp RUin DnF!" "I wAnT DNF! NoT *other ship*" "SaPnAp Shouldn't Be here!!"

God.. I hate it. I always ruin everything! I ruin the stream, always makes mistakes and other.

"Sap? You there pandas?"
I turn my face to the door, thinking if I should answer or no. But if I don't answer they will even worried. And it's gonna be my fault again. I jump off my bed and walk towards the door, slowly open the door and see 2 tall figure standing outside.

Dream and George. They holding some spaghetti with some orange juice.

"Sap... dream make some spaghettifor you."

Dream POV

As soon as sapnap open the door, we see him trying to wipe his tears, red,puffy eyes.

"Sap? Hey hey, what's wrong?"
George panicked seeing sapnap continue sobbing, hiding his face.

George sigh and pick up the little boy up and went to his bed, I surprised that George can carry sapnap with no problem.

I set the tray on his table beside his bed. I join George on the bed to comforting sapnap. Sapnap hide his face on George chest, seems like George don't mind, George wrapped his arm around sapnap waist and whispering some sweet praise. I wrapped my arm around sapnap chest and the other hand playing with his hair.

"Sap... can you tell us what's wrong?"
George asking, cupped sapnap cheek for sapnap look into his eyes.
Sapnap sniffing and trying to speak but keep stuttering.

"Shh, its okay. Take your time"

"I..I'm sorry."
Me and George confused why sapnap say sorry so randomly

"Why you sorry?"
George ask with worry face.

"I-I'm sorry for wasting your time on me... I feel like I don't deserve it."

"Pandas. Tell us what's wrong."
I ask hugging sapnap tightly.

"It's just some mean comments.. I'm fine"

"Is it too much for you baby?"
Sapnap nobbed. George cupped sapnap cheek again and kiss sapnap cheek with mysterious smile.

"Oh darling. Don't listen to them okay? You're beautiful. I know they keep saying you're not good enough but listen. We love you, we love your face, your lips, your body and your beautiful smooth thighs. You're like an angel to us. Cute angel."
Sapnap turn his face away to hide his flustered face. Revealing small smile from sapnap.

I start kissing sapnap neck to make some love bite. I slowly trailed my hand to his shirt and shoved my hand into sapnap shirt, touch sensitive area. Sanap let out soft, quiet moan.

"Mmm... someone sensitive aren't ya sappy? Don't hide those little cute noise. We want to hear you."
George whisper to his ear and start kissing sapnap softly. Earning some moan from the younger boy.

I continue biting his neck enough to make the mark turn into purple. After George kissing sapnap, he went to his neck making love bite oh his shoulder. We both continue making a lot of mark, listen to the noise that sapnap makes.

After few minutes, sapnap thighs, shoulder and neck is full of love bite. Sapnap body relaxed against my body, letting sapnap rest. Me and George smiled softly and kiss sapnap forehead and his cheek.

George get up and went to downstairs to get some towels and a bucket of water. Once he come back, I'm hugging sapnap and playing with his hair. George start using the towel, wipe the mark softly.

I grab the tray and luckily the food still little hot, I gave the food to sapnap and sapnap start eating it. I went grab a TV remote and turn it on, after sapnap finished his food George put the plate and the glasses away.

We start cuddling each other, sapnap on the middle. We cuddling while watching some cartoon, after a few hours George and sapnap falling asleep. I smiled and turn off the TV and the light, hugging sapnap waist tightly and slowly falling asleep.


Well sorry the end is was kinda rushed so yea, have a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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